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Ex wife rips dad a new one...

Sunflower1's picture

I thought I would share, this is not DH's ex but take out the cursing and replace the voice call with text and it's pretty close. The difference being DH won't feed it and it seemed like this guy was a bit.


Starla's picture

Yea she was worked up but the guy was being condescending, I think he would be a PITA to deal with. Just my opinion.. Blum 3 If he was willing to compromise I could see how her behavior would be over the top. Haha she almost sounds like a teenager...

Sunflower1's picture

I don't think she was worked up, I think this is likely status quo. He was trying to compromise with her. We've dealt with BM setting up appointments on DHs time and the fallout is horrible if we already have something else going on. That and she goes right to the bad dad card when he doesn't fold to her wishes.