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Stepson. Help

Susmoe's picture

:? Hello. I have three stepchildren. The oldest is 16 boy. My husband and I have been togther for almost four years. The oldest has always disrespected me and makes fun of me all the time. I told my husband about it and he talked with his son but things never change. The boys mother always talks bad about me infront of her children. The boys mother let's him do whatever he wants. She brought him a car when he turned 16. The boy is flunking in school but she let's him come and go as he pleases. A couple of weeks ago we had. BBQ for my birthday. My family and my husband family was their. My husband allowed his sons girlfriend to come over. They laid on the couch gripping each other infront of my young nieces. My husband never said a word to his some. His sons girlfriend was rude and direspectful to me in my home. My stepson was rude to my family when they tried to talk to him. My family buys his kids stuff for their bday and xmass.

I had enough with his son attitude. When I tell him to do things he laughs and walk away. I told his son that his father and me were getting a divorce. He told me to shut the fuck up and leave him a lone. I told my husband that I don't want his son in my house ever again. My husband and I are having a hard time due to the fact that his oldest son and younger daughter are rude And disresectufl to me. The middle boy is great we get along fine.

What should I do. My husband tells me that he can't control what happens at his exwife house. And I understand that. But I don't deserve to be treated like shit from his children. I need help. I'm on the verge of filling for a divorce. I love my husband but I need to be happy not feel like a stranger in my own home. I pay 85 percent of the bills in our home. Help me please.


herewegoagain's picture

No, he cannot allow his kids to treat you this way, nor can he allow them to treat your family this way. If he does not stop, you must stand up for yourself.

Hugs to you...but YOU must put a stop to it or leave.

Last-Wife's picture

I have been in the same boat. I have even dealt with physical violence from SS15. (He will be 16 in two months.) Due to an outburst this week, he is staying with his grandparents for awhile.

I told my DH back in March that I would not endure this any longer, or I would leave. I have told him that if he allows SS to return this time before I feel things have been mended that the "game" is over, and I am gone.

I asked him if he really wanted TWO failed marriages, and to let his kids "win." I reminded him he would be the loser in this situation...

Susmoe's picture

Hope all is well with you. I saw my mom, sister, sister-in-law plus uncles and aunts suffered and died from cancer. Good luck you can fight it be strong.
Why is it that H's don't want to stand up and be a parent. I told H that his son is no longer welcome in my house. So far so good. But SS is not talking to H. Because H gave him a nice long talkin to. But BM said that it's my fault for his behavior that he is a teenager and that he is perfect at her house. Yeah because you let him do what ever he pleases. No rules h comes and go as he pleases.

What is up with some of these BM and BD. My mom would of smacked the crap out of me. And still would. These days parent don't want to be parents they want to be their kids best friends.

I thought I was all a lone in this matter. My H would tell me that when I told him that his son was not allowed over my H called my mom and told her this. My H told me that I couldn't do that to him. I said bullcrap. I told him and he knows that I don't need him finacially. That I take care of myself. But know after I told hum about this site and how people are in the same perdicument As i am. He changed his story.

I'm 36 with no kids. I want a child but my H EW lied to him and he got a vasectomy. We are lookin into reversal but I told H that if he don't change his parenting skills then he will not be the father of my child.

My husband and I are both police officers. We deal with this kind of stuff all day. H loves me very much and is know changing his tune with his kids. But I have a feeling that his daughter is going to give me a run for the money. She had in the past.

There is a disorder out there where the BM turns her children against their BF and SM. I forgot what it is called but H ex W talks bad about the both of us. When she's the one that send the SS over with underwater too small and shoes with holes in them. I use to bend over backwards for them but not anymore. Both the younger ones are happy if H and I have a baby. But I don't thin 16 SS is.

Good luck to u and thank you very much. Us SM need to be strong and hold our ground.