Part two of two BM's!!
I just wrote a blog on Ex-wife-to-be. Now to begin on the Ex-g/f who was around before Ex-wife-to-be. She is mother of BF's two oldest girls, 7yo & 5yo. BF and Ex-g/f are always in and out of Court as Ex-gf is always making allegations and accusations against BF and his family.
She's not afraid to play dirty when it comes to extending her visitation rights. The fact of the matter is, in my opinion, she is a bad mother. She doesn't care about the girls and she only wants them out of spite towards BF.
Ex-gf's husband is 16 years her senior. He has a criminal record longer than the river Nile with all sorts of charges against him. Ex-gf has another 3 kids of her own with crim, as well as the two with BF. Neither of them work, they live off government benefits, they get government housing provided for them, they do nothing. They are scum. Whenever the girls come back from a stay at their house, they've got head lice. Every single time. Ex-gf couldn't get rid of the head lice in one of her daughters hair (who is 3yo) with crim that she shaved her head and told 7yo and 5yo that it is staying shaved until she doesn't get lice anymore.
The kids are never fed properly when they are there. Take away and junk food all the time. Ex-gf can't be bothered cooking a nutritious meal for them. Ex-gf can't be bothered getting them to school on time as she's still recovering from a night on the drugs. The list goes on. Ex-gf sleeps around. In fact, she used to work in a brothel. For a mother of 5, I think she dresses inappropriately too. Drops the kids off in the van with "Playboy in training" across the top of the wind shield. Gets out of the van in a strapless, hot pink midriff baring boob tube, short black skirt with black plastic thigh high boots!
I feel terrible for the 7 & 5yo. I haven't had a lot to do with them at the moment due to the massive upcoming Court case. There were a lot of family reports being done and BF didn't want the report people to know we were involved in case it looked like BF wasn't providing a stable home life for the girls, seeing as he is also in the midst of applying for a divorce from Ex-wife-to-be.
However, all the reports have been done and BF and I are moving closer to his parents and Ex-wife-to-be within the next 3 months, so that we can be close to the girls and they can all stay with us on a more regular basis. Due to all the Court dramas and divorce sagas, it's been quite difficult and complicated. Also BF has his own business, so he works long hours to support all the girls and pay for all their private schooling, clothing, etc, and I am also a full-time college student and I work part-time also.
So that's my current situation. I'm looking forward to being a positive role-model to BF's girls and supporting BF in all his endeavours.
It's a completely new situation for me. I've never had the responsibilities of parent before, having no children of my own or being involved with someone with children before. So it's all very new, especially when it's someone else's child, there are all sorts of issues to deal with such as discipline, what sort of involvement they want you to have with their children, etc. But it's a great experience and I've fallen in love and have become attached to 2yo quickly.
So if anyone has any tips or anything like that, don't hold back! I'm interested in anything!!!
- Sweetness's blog
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Is BF applying for custody of the 2 older girls? Sounds like that would best for them. I love your excited attitude but don't be disappointed when things go bad as step-parenting comes with lots of up's and downs and with an Ex who does drugs and can't control head lice will more than likely have jealousy meltdowns and direct them at you and BF.
I certainly don't want to be negative with the things I am saying, I just want you to be prepared and ready in action when she pulls the tricks that some BM's do & nasty ones use the kids to do it.
Good luck with the new parent thing and you sound like you will be a great step-mum. Show them your enthusiasm at being with them, they will sure appreciate a stable home after mum runs around with men, and crims at that, and has her drug induced coma's around them. Just be their safe place to fall and you will be a great step-mum!! And don't forget when times get rough, we are all here to help.
Catch xx
BF has custody.
BF has custody of the two older girls. The Ex-gf (Biomum 1) gets them 4 days a fortnight and BF has them the rest. However, now that BF has officially moved out of Ex-wife-to-be's (Biomum 2) home, the older girls are now staying with his parents as BF works long hours and can't take them to and from school every morning, and things like that.
So at the moment, we're living about 30 - 40mins in the house that BF's grandfather owns and has let to us at a cheap rate. BF travels over that side of town about 3 times a week and spends time with them, plays with them, helps them with their homework, eats with them, bathes them and puts them to bed and then takes them out on the weekend either with the 2yo and I or just by himself.
They understand the situation as best they can. BF is very honest with his girls. Biomum 1 is always bad-mouthing BF to them, but they know that from the way BF treats and cares for them, that it is not true. And they don't enjoy going to Biomum 1's house. BF hates that they have to go to their mother's, but at the same time, he is glad so that the girls can see what their mother is really like. Kinda like a blessing in disguise, I guess.
I think it will be much easier for BF when we move closer and we're only 5 - 10mins away. The girls will be able to stay with us on a regular basis and hopefully we will be able to provide the stable, loving and happy home they need.
It's just so sad that both mothers don't have the children's best interests at heart. That they manipulate them and try to use them against the people that love them the most. It's frustrating and damn, I know it ain't gonna be easy. But BF is a great father and he would do anything for his girls and I want to be there to support him and try and make his life a bit easier. He deserves it.
And I'm just thanking God that I've found this website before I have become too heavily involved with the BM's! I don't know how I'll cope but it will be much easier to talk to people going through the same thing!
So you're new to this, huh?
Let me start by saying good luck-you'll need it. Catch 22 was right on target about your attitude, as well as about the complications that arise before those of us with the best attitudes. I started out my relationship new to the whole parenting deal as well. I have none of my own- never even dated someone with kids before. Now we are engaged and working on building this blended family. I thought I might include some "rules", better said helpful hints that I've picked up along the way.
1. Leave discipline to biodad. Don't allow the kids to walk all over you, but don't raise your voice, and never, ever, ever hit. There's been a time or two for me that this has been difficult, but it's worth keeping your temper with them. In my experience, if I can't talk in a normal tone, I walk away, discuss the situation with biodad, and let him handle dealing out consequences for bad behavior.
2. Never be afraid to reward good behavior. This is one of the fun aspects of this deal. When the kids do something well, or respectfully, or according to the rules, tell them! Children thrive on encouragement and positive reinforcement. I often use this as a way to show my ss that I care about him and that he can trust me to do more than just nit-pick at his behavior.
3. Don't take biomom's behavior personally. This one's one of the hardest to stick to. Some biomoms are normal and care about their children's well-being. For those of us who are not so blessed, this site is the place to be. If these women were normal, they would probably still be married to the fathers of their children. Psychosis runs rampant. The thing about psychosis, though, is that it hardly ever makes sense. It's really just an excuse to act like a child, when they are supposed to be looking out for the best interests of the kids. Don't try to rationalize it- it's a waste of time. Focus more on what you can do to show the kids what a normal woman really acts like and being a positive role model.
4. Stick up for yourself. Everyone gets busy, especially in a situation like this. But that doesn't mean that you should be miserable all or most of the time on account of it. Your bf should, at least, not kiss the asses of his exes, and should defend you when bad, and often untrue things are said regarding you. There was a post a while back that said something regarding second marriages (the point still applies, though): When you get married the first time, it's about 2 people. Eventually they have kids, and they of course want to take care of the kids, but they still make time for each other, and are each other's priorities. In a 2nd marriage, it's about the kids. The kids come first, and the new wife never gets to feel like she's part of the priorities as the first one did. Many agree that this is why it's so hard to make a 2nd marriage work. The point is that you should in no way be a doormat for a man and his children. You are not their doormat, their cook, or their maid. Keep this in mind, and remind them often if needed, as this is something that tends to creep up on us after the passage of time.
5. Vent, and vent often. Sometimes I think, as I'm updating my blog, that what I'm venting about is totally inconsequential to the people reading the post. I think to myself that other people on this site have it so much worse than I do. While this perpective can be valuable on its own, vent anyway. For starters, it's great when someone posts back, saying that you aren't crazy (yes-at times you will question your sanity), and that you aren't alone. Secondly, you need to get frustration out. It helps keep you from taking it out on your bf and skids (this you must not do at all costs!). The more you talk about something, I promise, the better you'll feel. You may not be able to do anything to solve the problem, but you'll feel better about it.
6. This one's important too. Never, ever, EVER say anything bad about biomom in front of the kids. This may be terribly difficult at times, but no matter how bad it gets, don't say anything in front of the kids. This is two-fold: First, children understand that they are parts of both of their parents. It hurts their feelings, frankly. Secondly, they may very well repeat it to biomom, which hatches a whole new bunch of problems. Furthermore, many young kids worship their parents. No matter what you try to tell them about their parents, they won't believe it anyway. As they get older, they will see for themselves. They don't need to be told, for they already know. The same goes for if and when dad is being a jackass.
7. If you are wrong, ever-apologize. Of course this doesn't fix everything, but it's a start. There's a lot to be said for saying you're sorry. It shows everyone that you made an honest mistake-you've realized it- and you are humble enough to try to correct it. It serves as a great role model for the kids, and shows them what you expect them to do when they make a mistake.
I hope this is helpful for you. Again, I say good luck to you. Those of us with the best intentions have our rough spots. Just remember you can't do everythiing perfectly, and neither can your family members. Be willing to forgive.
I loved reading your post,
I loved reading your post, Its for sure a challenge but makes ALOT of sense.
I will print your post out to keep as my little reminder if you do not mind. I have my bad days to and reading something like this can help any body put a situation in perspective. Thanks for sharring not only your outlook but the truth with it!
Sometimes even I find that I am a little rough around the edges out of my own spite because of my own hurt feelings from BF kids and BM.
Excellent Advice
During the raw emotional times everything you said would be VERY difficult to follow, but I'm sure we all agree with you. The hard part is biting your tongue when the little darlings are berating you while all the time defending the biomom. I guess we have to wait for heaven for our rewards.
Rule 3.. Ugh!
Thank you so much for the advice! I will print out a copy for sure!
This time last year, I never would have thought I'd be involved with someone who is getting divorced with three children!! But I wouldn't change it for anything.
Number 3 is a doozy! I don't even have to deal with the BM's yet and they get my goat something shocking!!
BF wants to keep me out of it as much as possible. It just angers me that BM2 is making judgments of me and telling everybody her thoughts, mind you, she has never met me, nor does she know that BF and I are officially together anyway. Everyone else knows bar her. (As mentioned above BF doesn't want to make the situation worse as BM2 often likes to be as difficult as possible just for the sake of it and BF doesn't want two Court cases on his hands).
I was pretty riled up about it and I wanted to have words with her to let her know that I thought her behaviour was completely inappropriate it. But then I said to myself that it doesn't matter as she doesn't know me, she's never going to like me regardless. We don't need to communicate with each other. Anything that needs to be decided upon for her child can be done so through BF, otherwise, there is definitely no reason why she should be talking to me.
So I will bite my tongue if there's ever another confrontation!
Thanks again for your wonderful advice!