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Well,it's been almost a month.....

Sweetnothings's picture

Since ass2 dropped the P Bomb on DH. ( if you missed my original post, ss21 rang to tell DH that he had knocked up a teenager)

Anyway, the news is well, there is no news!! DH did as I thought he would and has done nothing ( good decision IMHO) and is just waiting.

No further calls or emails from the skid. So DH still does not know IF it IS true. He is not calling skid to check and is just sitting back and not getting involved.

As I am disengaged I do not mention the skids, so I will not be the one bringing it up in conversations .


Sweetnothings's picture

No Grandma SM for me EVER !!!! Smile

We live in a different country so NO chance of ass spawn sitting !!! }:)