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Feeling stupid

Thash876's picture

So I just found out that 3 years ago when me and my gf broke up (for about a month) she was considering getting back with her baby daddy. She then found out that she was pregnant with my son at the time and also found out that he had gotten another girl pregnant. So she cut things with him and decided to work things out with me.

Now 3 years later I can't help but to feel bothered by the situation. I feel like If it wasn't for him fucking up or her being pregnant with my son that she wouldn't be here or we wouldn't be together. I since then found inappropriate text (them talking about the day that they made their son) constant efforts of her trying to secretly add him on social media and more. I just don't trust her and this has made me unattracted to her. Lately things have been good but I still have the thought in the back of my mind that they secretly still want each other. I don't know if I'm over thinking or if I should just let this relationship go. 

on top of everything is do so much for their son and I feel stupid. I feel like I'm getting played but I have no legitimate proof lol. Any advice? I'm 28 yo


CommentReader's picture

Honestly you can take it either way. 

Majority of people have thought of getting back with their ex and msot of the time its because of familiarity and last resort because alot of people dont like to be alone. Factor in that they had a kid, it kinda would make sense (unless they were on bad terms) that maybe they could work it out for the kid.

So you could think if it as a last resort or take it the other way thinking that she regrets what she has now. But id like to also factor in what makes you different? Because now your a babydaddy and now you both got kids with her so maybe you could see her being with you as positive?

Either move on and live peacefully or bring it up because it will always be in your head until you speak it aloud