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Well it went ok

TheAccidentalSM's picture

The funeral service and reception went better than I'd expected. There were so many ways it could have been a fiasco.

DH's eulogy was really great.  He spoke eloquently about YSS's life and illness.  There were tears from YSS's exSF who got a mention from DH about what a huge influence he was on YSS.  DH also made sure that exSF sat with the family in the chapel.  BM wasn't keen on this but exSF saw YSS on a regular basis and BM hadn't seen him in over 4 years.  IMO, exSF had more rights to sit with us.

YSS's gaming friends came.  Dress code was casual or what you like.  The gaming crew are all very young and don't work in offices.  DH didn't want them buying clothes just for the day.  They did all turn up in lumberjack shirts in honour of YSS.  I'm not sure what the joke is but it was a fun gesture from them.

His work collegues came too.  They were really upset at the service but seemed to liven up at the reception.

Slightly hysterically, we had two mourning girlfriends.  There wasn't an overlap, thankfully.  I had met GF1 when YSS was alive and she was probably the love of his life.  They hit some problems that neither of them were mature enough to deal with and broke up but I think given time they would have gotten back together.  GF2 thought she was really in love with YSS but she'd been in his life for a very short time and she'd also broken up with him before his death.

MSS was in bits.  He is really guilty about cutting YSS out of his life.  He had a bit too much to drink and was very weepy.

My lovely friends came and kept my dad entertained so he didn't create a scene.  My sister helped to manage him too and then flew home with him that evening to their country.

BM was a bit spiteful. 

- She cornered my dad to tell him that it was YSS fault he died - not true and why on earth did she feel she needed to share this with my dad who she'd never met before.  I know why, she wanted everyone to know that it wasn't her fault. 

- She also tried to create a scene about not speaking at the service.  DH had offered to let her and she turned him down.  Then after the service when her friends asked her why she didn't speak she blamed DH.  DH sorted this out by getting her to do the speach at the reception.  He asked her to do it in front of her friends and mentioned that he thought if she didn't she might have regrets about deciding not to talk at either event. 

- She gave me a hug at the end to say thank you for looking after her baby.  I'm going to be nice about this because of the day.

The reception itself was lovely.  The venue was really beautiful.  The staff did waitress service distributing drinks and canapes which wasn't what we'd envisaged.  I thought they put the food out buffet style and that people who have to go to the bar for drinks.  We set up a slide show of YSS's photos that ran on a loop.  There were no fights or other misbehaving.  I was slightly worried about putting a bunch of people who don't really like each other in a room with free alcohol but good sense pervailed.

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading.  Getting this stuff out if really helping my emotions.


CLove's picture

this is a sad time for your entire family and yet, everyone banded together - a sweet tribute to SS. And that was good that ex SF was there and respected. Just because he moved on from Toxic BM doesnt mean he doesnt feel love for the child. Bad of BM to try to exclude him, and bad of her to try to lie about DH not letting her speak. But isnt that how it works? They try to rewite the truth and spin it.

Im glad that things went ok, and there was not any drama. Saying your goodbyes is never easy. Im sorry this has happened to your family.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

It wasn't easy but the more I read about his illness the more I understand that this was the outcome we were on a collision course towards.

I listened to the Stuff You Should Know podcast's episode about epilepsy on Sunday.  It explains really clearly all the various types of this disease.  Poor YSS had the worst of the worst of all the symptoms.  For people like him it often ends in sudden unexplained death.  Really sad but I'm glad he lived life to the full and had lots of people who loved him.

StepUltimate's picture

Very proud of you & DH, sounds like you both did fine. Glad it went okay. Sending hugs & comfort your way as you navigate this day, and these next days. 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

His eulogy was impressive and people commented that it showed what a close relationship he and YSS enjoyed.  There were lots of personal refences and some funny stories.  I'm so proud of him.

Aniki-Moderator's picture


I'm so sorry. It's never easy to bury a child - especially in this way. Prayers.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

But he did brilliantly. 

Thanks for the hugs.  I think I'll need them in the coming days.

We had MIL after the service until this morning.  DH won't express his true feelings in front of her.  I'm sure he'll be more open once I get home today after work.

amyburemt's picture

I wish you, your dh, and your entire family all of the strength, courage, and peace you need to get through this dark time. 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

I think we will be ok.  It is rough but we'll get through it.  Everyones hugs and well wishes are really helpful.