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Learn what it means to be responsible for your kids, BM (language, severely pissed off)

thefunmommy's picture

I'll start off by saying DH works every Saturday 4am-2pm. I watch the skids while he's at work. I volunteered to do it, and I *generally* don't mind doing it. HOWEVER.
I have friends in a band. They're playing Friday night. 2 weeks ago BM said she was taking the skids Saturday. I had DH ask if she'd take them Friday night so he and I could go see our friends play.
She replies with she'd *maybe* take the kids Saturday. She has PLANS for the weekend.
FUCK YOU BM. DH AND I HAVE HAD YOUR CHILDREN EVERY SINGLE FUCKING WEEKEND FOR THE PAST FIVE MONTHS. While she's out partying. She'll even go out after work, while her boyfriend of TWO MONTHS watches the kids on the weekdays she "has" them.
This weekend DH is working 10 hour days BOTH SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. Which means I HAVE THE KIDS ALL FUCKING WEEKEND ALONE. She replies to DH, "It's not my problem on the weekend." EXCUSE ME? They are also YOUR children, which means they are ALWAYS YOUR problem. "It's not my job to give funmommy a break, it's yours."
So, BM, what I would like to say to you
From now on, I will pick the kids up from school. You don't do it anyway, you have your boyfriend or sister do it for you.
I will keep them every night. Maybe if they stay with me they'll actually have some fucking stability in their lives.
IF you ever feel like you want to STEP UP AND BE AN ACTUAL FUCKING PARENT you can take them on A FUCKING WEEKEND.
So I guess you'll never see your kids, because your PLANS are more important than actually spending time with them.
Oh, and since we'll have them so much, we'll slam your ass with child support. You don't buy shit for them anyway.
I would so LOVE to tell your kids where your priorities are. Sadly for me, I'm not a bitch like you, so I won't do that. I'll wait until they're old enough to see it with their own eyes. And they will. All of their FUN memories of doing things, seeing things, will be with me and DH. They already are.
You can GROW THE FUCK UP and take YOUR kids for a weekend. It won't kill you. I have half a mind to drop them off on your doorstep and tell you, "It's not my problem EVER."

And DH, I get that you get sick of dealing with her shit. HOWEVER. This doesn't affect you NEARLY as much as it affects me this weekend. Telling her you're sick of her shit and done dealing with her, DOESN'T FIX THIS SITUATION. And you are LETTING HER DO THIS by giving up.


IslandofDreams's picture

Get a sitter. Go see the band on Friday night. If the kids ask, tell them that adults sometimes want time together and since BM wont watch them they have to stay with a sitter.

Next time you are asked to watch them for BM, tell her its not your job to give her a break..

thefunmommy's picture

They've never had a sitter who wasn't a family member or family friend. I don't know any babysitters. I would JUMP on the chance if I did.

bestwife's picture

Oh you can find a sitter. There are services or call a church for a rec. Some daycare places have 24 care (usually by casinos though).

Unfreakingreal's picture

Definitely get a sitter and go see your band. You can call the guidance counselor of your local HS and get a responsible teen. It will be good for you and your DH to have that back up plan if you ever need it. I wouldn't give BM the satisfaction of EVER letting her ruin your plans.