Bring It ... Tramp
Good lord the drama goes on ...
Honestly, things have been quiet between DH and BM for a while now. Every couple of months there is a flare up but it all settles back down.
Well it must be that time again ...
I found out why BM wants to bring her BF here when she picks up the skids for the summer (something I have been worried about as she usually comes alone).
I thought it was about having a companion. But she told DH that she is bringing him to sort DH out.
What the hell does that mean?
This isn't high school lady! You don't need to have backup for a fight.
And this isn't a nightclub. Your BF is not a bouncer.
Seriously, what is there to fight about?
Such a stupid tramp!
I told him to ignore it and treat it as one of many empty threats. DH is in good shape (not a bulky bouncer type but he's a runner and for an average sized man he carries himself in a strong "don't screw with me" manner) and really, this is juvenile it isn't worth stressing about.
That being said, this is what assault charges, harassment charges, and all that other garbage that I have read on here is about right?
- TheOtherMom's blog
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She's probably just trying
She's probably just trying to intimidate you guys. I really hope he isn't that stupid to go onto someone ELSE'S property to "sort them out".
"Most couples have not had hundreds of arguments, they've had the same argument hundreds of times."
THAT"s what I am saying! But
THAT"s what I am saying! But lately, the BF has proven some really stupid things are possible. It's like he is coming out of his shell after 6 years or something.
Last week, for the first time ever, he had a conversation on the phone with SS9 and told him he should get into wrestling.
SS9 kind of freaked about it all.
Why is this virtual stranger telling my skid to do wrestling? That is just really odd .... like it gives me the frigging creeps.
Do men have massive brain chemistry changes when they are in their 30s? He is 34.
Here's another thought... in
Here's another thought... in my case, BM never had the ability to talk to DH about any parenting issues b/c she was still angry and hurt about the divorce. When BM got remarried, she let SF and DH deal with all the parenting discussions. It was easier for BM to talk with SF and then have SF deal with DH. This helped us to avoid unnecessary drama for several years. Unfortunately, BM decided to cheat on H#2 so now we are back to the drama...
Is it possible that BM doesn't know how to be civil and she wants her BF to help smooth things over with DH?
OH MY !!!!!!!is she bringing
OH MY !!!!!!!is she bringing her big strong man, so that he can defend her. WOOHOO your DH is going to be sorted out LOL ..
Maybe this is the only way she can make BF feel important. Maybe he is such a putz, that this is the only role he can have, in this situation.
I would just laugh it off, whatever
*giggle* It'll be like
*giggle* It'll be like west side story only for steps and dardar BM's
betta get your blade out! her man bubba gonna cut you!
*snort**giggle*snort* oh I'd LOVE to be there to witness your DH getting "sorted out". who talks like that??? seriously??
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin
I know right?
I know right?