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Gotta Get Out of Here!

TheOtherMom's picture

SS11 is getting under every bit of my skin. Yes I am letting him. But he is whining about his mother more and more. It's a week away until they leave and while it devastates me every year when they leave, I get over it after a couple of weeks and enjoy the time DH and I have with each other.
DH is also very edgy at the moment. Grrr.
I am leaving the house today. I have to get away from this ... luckily, I broke the crock pot so I need to make a trip to Bed Bath and Beyond now Smile Maybe I will stop and buy a caramel apple too.
Shall have to make sure I wipe up the evidence - SS9 can smell caramel from 50 ft away!


newlymarried's picture

LOl i wish my SS 4 would go away! hell for more than a day at a time would be appreciated!

LMR120's picture

I hear you. Every-time my skids are here all I hear about is at my mommy house, my mommy has that, me and Mommy did this. So yesterday I told them man you guys are really lucky your mom has everything. I wish she was my mommy LOL I'm sure they will bring that back to her. Have fun on your shopping trip! Take some detours lol