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Halloween Drama

TheOtherMom's picture

The Halloween Party last night was fun but OMG! I have so much respect for elementary school teachers. We had 20 kids here, all boys at that, aged from 9 to 12. It was a mad house and I can't believe I lived to blog about it.

I loved coordinating the whole thing, scaring the poop out of the boys (because SS11 said "I am too old to get creeped out or scared anymore,"), and playing the cool games. I thought 11 and 12 year olds were too old for apple bobbing but they did the natural thing - dunked each other in the water. Doh!

I do have one thing to talk about that is related to ST ... a stepmother dropped off her SS at the party and the boy said he would be picked up by his BM but the SM didn't say that so I felt sort of scared to let this kid go with BM. When BM showed up the boy said it was his mom but I didn't know anything about it so I called the SM and asked if it was okay for her to take him. SM said "No. She is violating the custody order." Talk about awkward. So I asked her to come get SS and to bring the father because I didn't want to be involved with a kidnapping or anything. The drama that ensued was the BM throwing a fit. I calmly told her not to cause drama at a kids party and that I would call the police and have her removed. I also explained that if she couldn't see it from my point of view, then she needed to step out of the house and try her approach again.

DH physically dragged the woman outside! Luckily SM and the boy's father showed up and took care of that whole thing. We didn't call the police but it was just an awful situation!


Rags's picture

I like the part where DH physically removed the ranting banshee from his home.

Sorry your party was poluted by blended family drama. At least it was not your blended family drama.

SillyGilly's picture

Not that I am happy this happened to you, but for the SS's sake I am glad it was you and you had the sense to sniff out a lying BM! Great job!! I bet the SM and BD were relieved you were cautious.

happymostly's picture

I agree with happysearch! I know before becoming a stepmom and reading all this stuff on the blogs, I would of never thought anything about violating custody orders or anything like that! Not that im an expert on custody arrangements, but if anyone talks about custody arrangements (laws and such atleast in my state) i can tell them a thing or two. Glad you did the right thing and got it all resolved! Smile

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Wow, that was awkward! I'm always mortified for people that make asses out of themselves at children's gatherings.

It would have been very awkward indeed if SM and BD had come to pick up their son and you had sent him with his BM! Good catch!

Oh the things we learn while stepparenting! I'm going to have a little chuckle about this over a very dry martini later tonight with DH.