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Venting About Skids is Progress RIght? Instead of BM?

TheOtherMom's picture

I find myself venting more and more about skids than BM. This should be a good thing right?

I am getting more easily annoyed with SS11 lately and wonder if it is his age, the fact that he is not my child and I don't have a bond with him, or perhaps it is the season changing?


CRenfort's picture

I would vote on....all of the above.

Or maybe your hormonal. Those our my usual options!!

Selkie's picture

Ahhh the wonders of puberty. Ain't it grand? Good luck, Sweetie. I'm firmly convinced that all adolescent children should be locked away in a box until they're at least 20.

TheOtherMom's picture

I have decided to be Mayan or Aboriginal and am celebrating his slow, annoying initiation into adulthood.
I made a list of all the practical things I am confident he will do well because he knows how to do them and I have made sure of it:

SS11 makes a killer bologna sandwich.
SS11 does laundry well and even separates colors.
SS11 sweeps well, but mops horribly.
SS11, when he applies himself, follows instructions well.

And after those simple functions, his emotions mess up everything else.
Do you think those cultures took mood swings into account?