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Another Night Terror!

thinkthrice's picture

Not sure if it's because it is the USA's Thanksgiving or Chef doing all this free work for his brother Mr not so neutral with no anticipation of them rebuilding his antique truck in view as a ( very lopsided) exchange, but I had a night terror in which Chef reunited with his oldest two, namely OSS Pumpkinhead (27) and SD(25) the Animal Torturer.    The HousesHitter YSS ( on the precipice of 21)  was nowhere in sight probably because he would have been in jail by then.

Somehow we were at a mutual event, which is highly unlikely, and unfortunately I was the person that pointed out to Chef that his two oldest ferals were in attendance!  And then I stupidly walked over to them, which I never would do in real life!  And it was as if all was forgiven and forgotten! At least on CHEF'S end.


Also what may have been spurring these night terrors on is the fact that Awesomeson is in Saudi Arabia dealing with office politics and they just had a crazy event at the Rainbow Bridge where I was tooling around yesterday and the day before with DGD 2.5 in tow.  That and the fact that Chef has been particularly nasty my entire birthday week.

Also I'm in the last throes of getting the single family house up for rent.  Wish me luck!




AlmostGone834's picture

Stress and anxiety over ongoing problems can definitely cause nightmares. I had few bad ones about LI right after she moved out. Same as you, they focused on DH being all forgive-and-forget. 

You should be able to live your life in peace without toxic people around. Normally that's easy as you can just cut them out of your life... but as SMs we can't because 9 times out of 10 our DHs won't cut off their children completely so they are always still floating around somewhere. It's just an unnatural situation. 

CLove's picture

I had a dream right before waking up (because I was tossing and turning right before) that we were having thanksgiving at ourr house and feral forger and 3 of her a$$hole friends were there and we were all dressed in white lace dresses. Like wedding style.


thinkthrice's picture

The Thanksgiving/Holiday spirit right now without my adult bios and their families.  It's just me and the adult toddler, Chef without any buffer.  This should be interesting.