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Had to go to a customer's house today that was on the same street in the same village as Pumpkinhead's house (OSS28).  I had never actually been by his house before... I just knew that he and his now wife purchased it about 3 years ago.

Another Pet Escapes

thinkthrice's picture

More like runs for their life from one of Chef's ferals.  This time it is Pumpkinhead  OSD28 and his wife.   Indoor cat made a run for it.  Skids were always mean to animals and neglectful.   The Girhippo would give animals back to the shelter for jumping up on people at the drop of a hat.  Pet ownership was never taken seriously. 

SD26 had MANY  cats that ran away from her.  Frankly some people should NEVER have animals.   Chef's ferals should all be banned from having them. 

The Backslide

thinkthrice's picture

Well that didn't last long.  Chef has gone creeping back to the supplier that has the accounting system from hell even though the sales person he deals with openly admitted that he almost quit due to the chaos over there.

I'm also convinced this supplier is double charging us so I will be looking at my books come January 8th.  

Until they make more successive mistakes that affect Chef, he refuses to leave them and wants to give them endless chances.  Something I don't get the luxury of.   

O/T Miracles DO Happen!

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As you may know, Chef and I have a business together (sadly).  Anyway Chef, about couple years ago, grew very tired of a local supply house because the new manager was horrid and many mistakes were made.

I liked the old supplier because they just took a credit card as a point of sale instead of getting a statement at the end of the month and so many days to pay Etc plus they gave gift cards to a local grocery store.

Well THAT Was Interesting

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I attended my mother's memorial service via Zoom.   She and my father has a lot of out of state and Canadian friends and family joining the zoom meeting but the service itself was held by the cult.   I am persona non grata in the cult as I wrote a letter 20 years ago saying it's not for me.   They are required to shun me except for immediate family that has earth-shattering news.   Other than that nada.

Keeping Ferals Out of The Goodies

thinkthrice's picture

So there has been threads on this before.  I am sure it has been discussed on the forums as well.   What are your methods to keep feral skids ransacking household goods like a plague of locusts?  What are your cost cutting ideas?

Some choose the hiding method such as hiding in the veg bin as skids are naturally averse to anything that grows from the ground and that requires picking.

O/T Lasagna and Stupidity

thinkthrice's picture

So I made a classic lasagna the other night which turned out perfect if I do say so myself.  If there is one thing I can't stand it is watery lasagna but I digress.  Chef is half Italian and half German and I am French Canadian so I don't really hanker for lasagna very often-- I mostly made it for him as I'm trying to get him to stop cooking and taking over the kitchen again.

"The Mechanic" Gets Engaged to BM2

thinkthrice's picture

Ladies and gentlemen start your popcorn!  Chef's nephew, the Mechanic, who is the adult son of Mr Not So Neutral, and who promised to rebuild Chef's vintage vehicle in exchange for a brand new fancy heating system has gotten engaged to party girl BM2.

We haven't seen hide nor hair of either of them since Chef put in that huge, top of the line heating system for them in their garage for free.  Crickets about the vintage vehicle as well.   Most of the vintage vehicle parts remain cluttered up in my garage so they haven't so much as touched one bolt on it I'm sure.
