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DH mad at SD18 me hiding in the corner being nosey

TickedOff's picture

SD18 posted some pictures on facebook boasting about being drunk and high. Pictures with smoke being blown in the air,one with a beer bottle between her boobs, two of her drinking with her middle finger up. one with her pants pulled halfway down exposing her ass and her tattoo that says "cheeeks and one with her boyfriend pointing to her exposed ass in a baring bikini with a big cheesy grin on his face. DH was pissed. He called her and I could hear him yelling. I hear her say " I thought I made that album so you can't see it". DH threatened to report her to facebook for posting pictures of underage drinking unless she deletes it. She complied but I think she lied and is just going to make it private. I don't understand why she doesn't think before she acts. Why would you want that image of yourself floating around the world? DD better not grow up and get wild on me mama don't play. I will show up everywhere she is and embarrass the sh*t out of her.


TickedOff's picture

When I was 18 I wasn't the best but I wasn't beyond stupid like some of the kids this generation. I had self respect. Partly because my mom would show up and stick her foot halfway up my a** and I respected that.

Just J's picture

Employers look at social networking sites these days so good luck to her getting a job! Young kids these days can be so dumb. My SD19 is constantly posting pictures of herself in underwear and other skimpy outfits because she's one of those rave kids and all the girls run around in underwear with boots and paint on their faces. That was why I resisted being her friend on Facebook for so long.

misSTEP's picture

Teen treat their social networking sites like their personal diaries and scrapbooks. It never really occurs to them what damage can be done by the information they so indiscriminately put out there.

BadNanny's picture

SD11 sent a video of herself dancing naked or see through undies or something idiotic to a bunch of guys from school. She is now shunned in school and suicidal. Guess where she saw this kind of behavior? Her 18 year old sister who sounds like your prizefighter(who also cannot keep a job or a BF and who BTW is NOT in college, but most likely a call girl- who else has a bodyguard without being somebody famous?. This one is BM's second dropping from second baby daddy. I have fired a few employees for their behavior on FB. Needless to say, SD11 is not getting her phone back as long as she lives in my house. I don't need any pix of my private life on her social media either.