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Tiger7's picture

I'm guilty of doing something that a lot of people talk about on here.  My SO told me something last night that bothers him about my kids and I made excuses for them.  We talked a little more about it this morning.  He said he was just not going to bring it up anymore (cause it bothers him but not me).  I thought about all the advice I've seen on here and realized how guilty I was.   I told him not to just hold it in....if he can "disengage" and let it roll off his shoulders then ok.  But if it really bothers him, I don't want it to cause resentment.  

I'm too embarrassed to say what I let my (adult) kids get away with.  In the big scheme of things, its just not a big deal to me but I do see where he's coming from.....especially since they're adults and all.  And if it were someone else's kids, I'm sure it would bother me.   He is right though so I plan to talk to them. 

This site is a lifesaver - before this, I probably would've blown off his concerns.


marblefawn's picture

This is great! This is how it's supposed to work. You're a thinking person willing to look critically at yourself and your kids. I hope you feel good about how you're handling this.