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More drama with the 17 yr old

Tiger7's picture

Just as a reminder - my SO's 17 yr old daughter is out of control. Hasn't been home for weeks because she got kicked out (or she left on her own, according to BM) and has barely been going to school and also got fired or just didn't show up to her part time job. I'm very close with SO's sisters - one calls me everyday. Well, she called Sat to say that the other sister was getting prank calls in the wee hours and is convinced its the 17 yr old & friends. (Since they had a fight last weekend). What the child doesn't realize is that her aunt works for the phone co and is in the process of having the calls traced. Then yesterday, the 17 yr old texted her dad. Mind you, she won't talk to him or answer his calls or texts; but she has texted a couple times last week to ask a question and he didn't bother answering so she could know how it feels. But, she decided to text "Congrats, you're a grandfather. And by the way, triplets run in his family". My SO was strangely calm at first. He said he didn't know if it was true that she's pregnant or playing some sick joke. He forwarded the text to BM to see what she knew. She ended up calling back. Mind you - we never know what's true with BM - she's the ultimate drama queen - but she told SO that the 17 yr old was no longer staying with that one friend. She's been going from friend to friend; also she reached out to her mom with questions about pregnancy symptoms, like tender breasts, nausea, etc. Another thing was that CPS was now involved and might be blaming the BM for everything and might take the 15 yr old from her. The police might want to arrest his sister for that fight they had; the 17 yrs old's boyfriend said he was going to stab my SO. Oh yeah, and apparently, the boyfriend has also been cheating on her. He's telling me all this last night and then apologizes to me for all this drama. I had a rocky marriage with lots of drama and he knows I want peace in my life but I was taken aback that he would apologize to me. I told him I support him in all this. This morning - 17 yr old called BM and asked to come back home. SO said he still doesn't trust his daughter. I told him to talk to BM and be a united front. The disrespect has to stop and even tho she'll be 18 in Dec, she cannot support herself so she needs to follow the rules, period. I really hope she is not pregnant! That would just ramp the drama up even more.


notarelative's picture

Good news is that while twins may run in families, for that to affect a specific pregnancy it has to be the mother's family. The fact that twins run in the father's family would not affect this pregnancy.

Tiger7's picture

That's good. Its clear she just said it to get under her dad's skin. I was so proud of him for not giving a knee jerk reaction which is clearly what she wanted. He didn't respond to her at all.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

I'm sorry you are in such a horrible situation. Does SD have access to your house? If so, you should change the locks in case her boyfriend does decide to cause a problem. Maybe an alarm system as well.

Tiger7's picture

She does not! I made sure of that. New court order said SO would them every other week in summer but that didn't come about till very end of Aug - thankfully school started 2 weeks later. I put my foot down about having them alone in my house for 10 hrs a day so it never happened. I believe that's one of the issues that started her downfall and her not speaking to her father even tho I explained to her that I wasn't comfortable with that. Her and BM were so mad about it. Its been downhill ever since. I don't trust her at all and now he doesn't either. His own sisters (her aunts) also said she is no longer welcome in their homes.

Acratopotes's picture

Tiger - this is a crappy situation, simply make it clear SD can not move in with you and DH, BM created this monster she can keep her.

Do not involve yourself in this drama.... and I hope SD was simply making a bad joke about being pregnant, if she is, simply say sue the father for support and CS and get your own place...

Tiger7's picture

I have made that abundantly clear - he knows for sure. We don't have the room for either daughter to live with us permanently - when they came for the weekend, they crashed in the living room. But now, even if we had a 10 bedroom house, she would still not be welcomed.

Acratopotes - I love your tag line at the bottom of your posts. I too just want to drink rum and stab people, like a pirate. LMAO

Acratopotes's picture

you are way better then me... no one but no one crashes in my living room, oh hell NO.... enough cheap motels in town...

yeah well, I have to think of another tag line..... but even not in step hell anymore I still feel like a pirate....

secret's picture

that sucks.

If I was DH... I'd have texted back: then I guess you're going to have to shell out 3x the costs of raising kids... congrats.

moving_on_again's picture

Sounds just like MSD. MSD even claimed to have gone to a clinic and had a positive pregnancy test. Either she had an abortion, miscarriage, or she was just lying per usual. BM did let her move back in but that only lasted two weeks because MSD went back to the abusive bf who (while they were broken up) has had a kid. They are both 18. Abusive bf also has about 5 active cases against him, one includes assaulting MSD.

I am sure you already know this, but these kids are addicted to drama. They will never stop or grow up. BM is 40 years old and loves to create drama at every turn.

Tiger7's picture

Supposedly she's back at her mom's and BM is going to take her for a pregnancy test. SO says he's not convinced that his daughter is going to turn a new leaf over- says he's just waiting for the other shoe to drop and watch her continue her manipulative, disrespectful ways. I think you're right - BM and daughter are definitely addicted to drama and they love playing the victim. I'm not having that BS in my home or my life and I have no problem telling her that.

moving_on_again's picture

MSD will come over and say she HATES BM and is DONE with her and be posting selfies with her the very next day. It never ends. MSD is just as manipulative as BM, and scarily, she's a lot smarter than BM.