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How everything is

Tired2's picture

I haven’t blogged in quite some time. I am one of the “lurkers” that are here. I log in while I’m at work and read the blogs and answer them when I feel that I have some sort of input. I don’t always log in to “lurk” but I do log in when I have a comment to make. I have been a member of this wonderful site for 10 weeks. (sidenote: Dawn you are an incredible woman!) When I first came to this site I felt like my entire world was crashing down around me and I had little or no control over it. I was contemplating divorce and I “hated” my SD11 and dreaded her visits. Since that time things have started turning around for me. After SD11 and I had our “moment” the tension started to slowly ease off. We don’t always get along but she knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that I love her whether I’m mad at her or not. Our relationship has tremendously improved.

My marriage to DH has also tremendously improved. Since he started disciplining SD11 we have had very few issues. I’m very proud of him for making a conscience effort to change…most men wouldn’t. (as I’ve seen from this site) The reason I haven’t blogged is because I feel that a lot of you have it worse off than I do. I don’t have a completely crazy, spiteful BM to deal with. She is still in love with my husband I have no doubt about that. She is living with a man that isn’t particularly the nicest person in the world. I must say that she used to call DH A LOT early in our marriage but she doesn’t do that anymore. I had to quickly put the kabosh on that. As a matter of fact I believe that was our first argument. Now I stay more pissed off that we don’t get phone calls when we should get them and we get them when we shouldn’t…crazy.

My beefs with the BM are that she is ALWAYS late for drop offs and pick ups…ALWAYS! She also doesn’t spend any of the child-support that she gets on SD11. I know that child support is for whatever it’s needed for ie a car payment so that BM can get back and forth to work…blah blah blah. I don’t agree with it but I can’t change anything about that. I’m on both sides of that fence and I must say that WHEN my ex pays child support it’s used on my daughter. I make enough money to pay my own car payment. Which leads me to another beef about her…she is a career waitress working part time. (I don’t want to offend anyone and that certainly isn’t my intention) Every three years the wonderful state of NC automatically takes DH back to court to make sure he’s paying his fair share. WELL my issue with this is that DH is a very successful business man and like I said before she works part time waitressing. Why should she benefit with more child support just because he made something of himself and she didn’t? It isn’t anyone’s fault but her own that she doesn’t aspire to be more and it certainly isn’t our fault that she won’t work full time. Of course they take that into account…so they say. Whatever I don’t believe them.

Another beef I have is that she’s truly an idiot. When you ask her a question you can literally see the wheels in her head turning trying to come up with an answer. When she leaves messages this is what it sounds like “Hey DH it’s me BM. Um I was um wondering if um you could um pick SD11 up from practice and everything and stuff.” I SWEAR that was taken from an actual message left! I can’t carry on an intelligent conversation with her because it’s impossible!!! In my opinion, if you can’t speak more intelligently than that…just don’t speak!

Now that I’ve gotten that off of my chest I feel much better. I don’t want to jinx what I have going on right now but I just wanted to share my good fortune with the rest of you.

Have a GREAT weekend!


Chocoholic's picture

My skids sm is the same (absolute moron)... no one in her family finished middle school yet they all think that they know everything... to talk to them you'd think they were all Doctors, Lawyers, Financial advisors, you name it... they know it!

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"

Chocoholic's picture

I meant my skids BM....

That must have been what you were talking about!! (you know who you are)....

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"

shandee's picture

That you don't have to rely on child support,feel blessed for that! But should you put everyone in that category who works part time? I do work part time for a couple different reasons, out of necessity for my kids, my ex didn't want them to have to go to daycare and i have a very flexible job ( cosmetologist)so i stayed home w them during the day and worked on his days off & after he got home. When he left that created a bigger problem...... The schedule now i had to support my kids on a part time salary alone!!! Any way I do feel for you State Laws are insane, who thinks up these formulas?? My husband gts the shaft because his ex manipulates every cs statute she can just to make him pay and she makes 3x what he does. None of it makes sense...... (I never really felt bad about what I did until now am i wrong for working part time?)

Tired2's picture

I'm not trying to say that you are wrong for working part time at all. Please don't take it that way. I was only speaking for my own situation. She had a full time job the entire time they were married and then all of a sudden decides that she's going to "cut back on her hours"...well that isn't my freakin problem. I don't feel that she should get more child support because she wants to work 1/2 as much. I work 40 plus hours per should she. She's able bodied and more than capable of working 40 hours per week. I doubt she's intelligent enough to get a decent paying job but once again...that's her problem...go back to school or she should have at least stayed in high school. (DH had NOTHING to do with her dropping out as they didn't meet until well after high school) We have 50/50 custody but SD11 stays with us most of the time so I just don't feel that we should pay any MORE than what we are already paying. I don't have a beef paying what we are paying because it was in place long before I came around....even though I feel that she gets alot of money to "babysit" but that's another story.

My intention wasn't to offend anyone but to simply tell my situation and frustrations.

As far as not having to rely on child support....well I've never been able to count on my ex to pay child support. At one point he was $8,000 behind...that is correct eight THOUSAND dollars behind. I know that doesn't sound like much but I only receive $40 per week...does that tell you how often I received a child support check? He got some sort of settlement at the first of this year and finally paid it up but hasn't paid a dime since then and is behind again. I have FULL / SOLE custody and still only receive that much. Everytime I go back for an increase he quits whatever job he has. He doesn't mind living like he does so that I don't get any more money. I have never denied him visitation either because I don't want to hurt my daughter. She thinks her father is great and until he proves to her's not my place to tell her that. She'll find out soon enough. I used to be bitter about it but it was only hurting me because he didn't I let it go albeit hard...I had to.

Some people are like slinkies...not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs! Smile

Colorado Girl's picture

$15,000 my oldest son's dad owed me at one point. I too know what it's like to let it all go. You can't move on with your life if your anger is "alive", one can't bury it then. Kill it, bury it, and find happiness. That's what I did until I stumbled upon the most evil person alive and married her ex-husband. Now I'm mad again. Wink

shandee's picture

Your husband and my husband were married to the same person?

shandee's picture

I wasn't angry that you said that, but i saw myself in a different light for a minute. Then I thought I wonder if my ex's wife thinks that about me? We are very good friends , i'm sure its crossed her mind but she doesn't hold it over me.... she is one of the greatest ppl I have ever met! I have a very strange past...I have an ex husband with whom i have 2 teenage daughters, then i have 2 kids under 10, I had a lengthy relationship with their dad. Unfortunately the week before we were to get married I found out he was seeing someone from work. ( I don't count him). My ex husband pays regular child support and always buys the girls extra things, however he makes at least 3x more than i do, but i have never taken him back for more support. We share the girls 50/50 now that they are older. My income has remained the same from the time we got divorced, even though I started working part time so he can't complain i quit working just he is able to give them more "stuff". the 2nd dad however is quite a different story. He randomly pays child support.He is currently $3000 behind...We do co parent well though even if i don't really care for him. You are right about your daught er she will figure it out!!! My daughter is 8 and she is starting to understand and see that dad doesn't always tell the truth,it hurts and feels good at the same time!!! the disappointment in her face is horrible. So I really have been on all sides , however i haven't even got to my current situation....... my husband has an evil ex!!! which is mainly why i searched for a site like this, so far i have found there are alot of ppl with a common thread but wow i am learning so much already!!! So whatever insite i took from your post has helped me!! Thank you