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Tired2's Blog

Christmas Schedule

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I'm so pissed off that my blood is boiling!!! BM or (C U Next Tuesday) was we lovingly refer to her has done it again! About two years ago it was DH's year to get SD11 for the first part of Christmas and BM's for second part....well BM's mother wanted to take the grandchildren to Disney World. Now first I have to selfish was that of her? At any rate, DH made BM sign an agreement (not through an attorney) that she would give up her next Christmas (which was last year) so that DH could have her. Well this year it was supposed to go back to the regular schedule.

Advice needed on braces for child

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I know that some of you have or have had children with braces or at least know of someone with braces. I’m now in the position that my 12 year old daughter needs braces. She has a unique situation in that she is missing teeth. She has never had them nor will she ever get them. I’ve known this since she was a baby. It is two teeth on bottom and one molar on top. Here’s the two options that I’ve been told about:
1 – to pull two teeth on top so that her bite will be corrected
2 – make space for the two missing teeth on bottom and go with implants at a later date

How everything is

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I haven’t blogged in quite some time. I am one of the “lurkers” that are here. I log in while I’m at work and read the blogs and answer them when I feel that I have some sort of input. I don’t always log in to “lurk” but I do log in when I have a comment to make. I have been a member of this wonderful site for 10 weeks. (sidenote: Dawn you are an incredible woman!) When I first came to this site I felt like my entire world was crashing down around me and I had little or no control over it. I was contemplating divorce and I “hated” my SD11 and dreaded her visits.

I have a question....not a step issue though

Tired2's picture

This isn't a step issue but I would like a feedback from everyone please. My BD12 needs braces. I have set up consultation appointments at 3 different orthodontists because I don't have ortho on my dental plan so these charges will be paid out of pocket. I'm getting rates from 3 different ones. (sounds like car insurance huh? LOL) At any rate, I've asked the receptionist taking my appointment time what the general range is since they can't give me an exact until they decide on the course of treatment...blah blah blah.

We had a "moment"

Tired2's picture

This morning when we dropped the children off at daycare SD11 and I had a "moment". I always get out and hug/kiss each child and tell them that I love them and to have a great day. This morning I hugged SD11 and she hugged me for a little longer than usual and looked up at me and smiled. I hugged her a little tighter than usual and smiled right back at her. I know this is a small accomplishment but it sure has made me feel good all day. Now things could have gone to complete crap with them after I left....but at that moment we were good.

About me

Tired2's picture

First of all let me start this blog with a little information about myself. I don’t feel that I have let any of you know who I really am or what my situation is.

I don’t think mine is as bad as I some of you. I applaud you all for having the courage to face some of the situations that you have faced. I’m in awe of you all.
