Made it through another skid weekend....barely
Made it through another skid weekend, but just barely. Same old crap that usually happens. BIL and MIL sitting there doting on the little princess and the same tired stories of the same crap she has been up to over and over again.
But this visit was extra fun because skid was sick. Soooo, of course this was the reason given by MIL why she was acting like a little tyrant baby like she always does. And, of course, I was the only one who sees through this. Skid was coughing allllll over the place while we were trying to eat lunch, and again of course did not cover her mouth once, was not told by anyone to do so either. Then while she's in such a wonderful mood, MIL had the brilliant idea for skid to show DH what she wanted for x-mas in the toy store flyer.
Skid: "I want this and this and this and this and oh yeah I want this too. Get this for me Daddy! Daddy go get that! I need this Daddy now!"
DH: "Well, we will see what happens! What couple of things do you want the most?"
Skid: "I want them allllllllllllllllllllll!"
DH: " Yes, I see that but that's very expensive all the things you want, are there a couple that you really want?"
Then skid (surprise) starts crying and whining and kicking her feet
DH: "I didn't say you couldn't have anything, I asked you to pick a couple of things from here."
Skid continued to crying and throw her tantrum regardless of what DH had just said....
Then Skid proceeded to keep throwing tantrums the three times we ran outside for like 5 min. DH told her it was too cold for her to be out and didn't want her to get worse. Well, that wasn't good enough for the princess so she made it known she was unhappy about that.
Then she slipped and fell on the kitchen floor. Not a hard fall. I knew she was fine. She knew she was fine until MIL freaked out like she had fallen off a freaking cliff "OMGGGGGGG are you OKAYYYY HONNEEEY?!?!?!!?" Then, of course once skid saw she could milk it that's when the fake cry and tears came and went over to DH and practically hyperventilated over it.
Then she proceeded to screach in my ear while she was coloring. And made sure to interupt every conversation that was going on for the rest of the visit there.
I've noticed it's taken me longer and longer to recover to normal after these visits. It took me until Monday from Saturday before I felt semi-sane again. I don't think I will be going along with DH to MIL skid visits for much longer!
- tofurkey's blog
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Barf! Why, why, do they fall
Barf! Why, why, do they fall for that crap? It's so transparent! Does being a guilty NCP make you want to raise people that you wouldn't like? I ask BF this sometimes.
I totally agree, and I have
I totally agree, and I have no idea why. DH used to be a lot worse about it. MIL is theeeeee worst! I've talked to DH about it before, I said that no one is doing her any favors by reacting (or lack of) the way they do. Like when the first time we went outside and skid flipped out and threw a trantrum. Then when we come in he coddles her and keep on asking her what's wrong. I just wanted to be like WTF do you think is wrong DH?!?! She's a BRAT!
Yeah. If I ever can't find
Yeah. If I ever can't find BF's nuts, I'm gonna go check his daughters' purses. Pretty sure that's where I'll find them.
Can't they see that they're raising future BMs from Hell? That is no favor to the child you profess to love so much! This is not living up to their potential and these blind parents are robbing the kids of it and making chaos in what should be their happy home. BAH!
Haha, I made a similar nuts
Haha, I made a similar nuts comment to DH once and he wasn't ammused. Exactly, not only are they primping terrible future BM's, but just completely emotionally stunting them. Skid is almost 7 and acts like she's 3
I can relate! SS5 cries when
I can relate!
SS5 cries when you ask him to open a door for himself -- before he even tries, he whines/cries/screams "I CAN'T DOOOOOOOOOOOO IIIIITTTTTTT!" DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE FREAKIN' FIVE YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is here right now coughing all over the house. GROSS!!!!!!!
I get rid of him 2morrow AM..... I need a ladies lunch with some celebratory wine!!!
LOL! Crayon I always love
LOL! Crayon I always love reading your posts on here, you have the most wonderous insight!
I gotta say, that's pretty damn close to how I would have handled it too!
Does your DH not get onto her
Does your DH not get onto her for acting that way? Does she not get in trouble at all with any one on that side of the family? Or wait........ she is just that wonderful right }:) she doesn't need to be in trouble! I just don't understand how us (BAD, MEAN, UGLY, WICKED step parents) don't see the same wonderful children that everyone else sees. Like that saying goes I am trying to see things from your point of view but I cant get my head that far up my ass! How you don't lose your mind i don't know I think I would go off on all of them tell my H call me when you find your balls! Things like that just make me sick :sick:
Yeah DH just pretty much
Yeah DH just pretty much ignores it. On the VERY RARE occassion he does try a half assed attempt at it either two things will happen: she will just keep on repeating the same behavior, OR she will start bawling because he raised his voice to her and then she just ends up getting coddled because he then feels bad because I guess she puts on what he sees as a pretty good show and I see it as disgusting and just stare and think how gross it is. I thought I was going to lose my mind this last time...On the ride home DH kept on trying to make me laugh and cheer me up and it just pissed me off even more. I just wanted to be like thanks for fucking up royally and screwing two weekends out of the month for the next decade of my life....yuck