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Worst skid visit at mil's to date....

tofurkey's picture

I am so happy skid visit at mil's is over. YAY. It's funny how I can predict the exact conversations and situations that will come up, the same old tired crap.....I never enjoy skid visits, I detest them. I just sit there and put on my happy face and grit my teeth until I get through it. But this visit was extra irritating.

As soon as we walk in, skid wraps herself around dh's leg around his ankle like a leach. I wasn't feeling that great and wanted to sit down, but she wouldn't budge to let me through, and of course no one else told her to move and she started whining when I asked her to get by. Great start. So we sit down to eat and sd is sitting there chanting/screaching "I get to sit next to my dadddyyyy I get to sit next to my daddddyyy" for like seriously 5 freaking minutes before anyone told her enough. We had ham to eat, a very easy meat to cut. Sd had a butter knife, but she was whining in a baby voice "dadddyyyy please cut my meat for me I can't doooo it by myself". Of course DH jumped to and cut it up into tiny little pieces for her. Seriously? I could have cut that shit with my fork. Then she decided to give a play by play of what she ate on her plate "I just finished my first piece of ham. Daddy, daddy, daddy, I just finished my ham. I ate all of my potatoes, look look look look, I ate them all look look look look, I'm such a big girl look look look." Yeah meanwhile she is talking about what a "big girl" she is while she sits in a freaking high chair and drinks from a sippy cup! She is almost 7 for shit's sake!!!!!

Then I was trying to read some magazines to try to zone out and sd was like hovering over me trying to flip to the other pages and smacking her hands on the ones i was trying to read, asking me what was this and what was that. I politely told her to please stop because this went on for 20 minutes and no one else had. Of course, she whined.....of course....

MIL was talking about DH's father's side of the family and about how all the "dh's last name" are doing. Sd decides to interupt by saying " I am a 'dh's last name' because that's myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy daddy" Barf...

Then SD tried to whisper something to MIL to tell the rest of us at the table. MIL couldn 't hear her, told sd to just tell everyone else and that it wasn't polite to whisper with everyone there. She started yelling "noooooooooooooooooo I don't wannttttt tooooo" and stomping her feet.

MIL decided to remind sd that she had a dress that she wanted to wear "for dadddddyyy" So she went and put it on, came out and everyone (except me) oooooo'd and ahhhhh'd about how great she looked. MIL said "sd why don't you tell them why you wanted to put this dress on" Sd said in baby talk "because I wanted to look pretty for when my dadddddyyy came, I wanted to look nice for my dadddddyyyy, giggle giggle" Barf again...

Then MIL, the rocket scientist she is, decided to bring up BM and how BM didn't want DH to buy SD the drum set he planned on getting because she didn't have room for it. Then Sd heard this, started throwing a tantrum and MIL went and got her a harmonica from the other room.....GREATTTTTT....She starts running around making this hideous noises and wants everyone to clap everytime she does. "Listen, listen listen what I can do. I can play good! listen listen listen listen, HEY GUYS LISTEN NOW!" I was about to pull my freaking hair out....

Ugh, that was truly one of the worst skid visits I have ever endured...I just wanted to hang myself. I do not understand how DH thinks that shit is cute....


tofurkey's picture

You are preaching to the quire sister lol...I see what SD is going to turn out as on the road she is on, but trust me any input I have falls on deaf ears. It's crazy, nobody, not DH, not MIL, not BM, not any of the inlaws see that her behavior is not good. I have been turned into the monster time and time again and honestly I gave up on trying to persuade people that what I was seeing is reality and do not enjoy SD's presence (really with that attitude, who in their right mind would?) I have just disengaged.

tofurkey's picture

Yep yep. The sun rises and sets around this girl. She says jump, everyone except me says how high. It's disturbing and frustrating as all hell.

Not to mention that when DH mentioned to MIL that we were looking at starting a family in a couple years time frame once we get settled into a house, MIL started going off about how "remember when Sd did this? and when sd did that? and how grandpa made that cradle from scratch for sd? ATLEAST WE WILL ALWAYS HAVE SD" ??????WTF????

tofurkey's picture

Ugh. Like you, I'm sure i know where SD gets her bad habits, but everyone ecourages it as well. The last time I went out in public with SD and DH, we went to Ihop to get something to eat. It was a NIGHTMARE. She created such a scene that pretty much everyone in the restaurant was staring at us. Of course, DH couldn't keep it under control because he didn't want to "hurt her feelings" but I was so emberassed I couldn't stand it. Never again.

LizzieA's picture

Leaving is exactly what we did the first Christmas I had as DH's new bride. The cow and SKs were on their way there of course and I wasn't looking forward to that. The party was at SIL1's house. When SIL2 and 3 arrived, they hugged DH and ignored me! I stood in the corner for about 5 seconds, then told DH and we were out of there. SIL3 came running out as we were backing the car down the drive. "I promise I'll try to get to know you" "We've been so worried about you two" (we had just started working for ourselves isn't that condescending? So since we have not attended one of the Tday or Xmas gatherings. Always other plans and now we live far far away!

And PS your SD sounds socially "retarded" for her age...that is sad. And I'd ask MIL "what do you mean" when she pulls that "we'll always have SD" crap.

rinkrats5's picture

I agree wholeheartedly!
Why would you even put yourself through that? STAY HOME! Enjoy the weekend by YOURSELF! Have some girlfriends over or your sister. Or even enjoy the peace and quiet of your own home and do some things that YOU want to do!
Dont see him going to MIL's for the weekend as a negative. Turn it into a positive!
Whenever my DH wants to do things with his girls by himself Im thinking "thank god...I dont have to go, and I can do my own thing this weekend".
Enjoy! Surely his company for the weekend is not all that great anyway if he is just catering to the princess. Uggghh. I totally feel for you in that respect but really, just dont do it anymore. When DH arrives back home from his weekend you will be glad to see him, and dont even ask about how it went...or you will have to live through it anyway. Do yourself a favor...stay home and ENJOY! Smile

tofurkey's picture

I do it for a few reasons. Me and DH both work during the week sometimes strange hours, i have picked up the work he has done with building management and that's on call 24/7 so the week is usually shot for spending time together. The weekends we work as well, but there is a better chance for more time together than during the week, so i figure that i atleast get to spend the hour drive up and the hour drive back with him in peace. If I dont go he makes up a reason to tell mil why i didn't come like i'm sick or something then i get 5 million texts and e-mails about how i am feeling and am i okay. and every time we are done with skid visit we have work to do with the management job that we do together and we just swing in and get it done on the way back through from mil's. all my friends i have locally have kids so they spend the weekends with their family, not really a good recipe for a girl's night. and we live in a shit town where there's nothing to do so staying home isn't really that appealing either. I think though that with the visits getting increasingly frustrating, maybe i'll just go every other visit and try to find some balance to deal with it.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Are we on the subject of IL's here? Okaaayy...

Mine are the rudest, loudest, most obnoxious outlaws in the world! All they can "talk" about is DH's front of me!!! It's like I am not even there nor do I have any type of life for them to ask about. Ignore me completely but call me and ask me for help to bail out your son and his ex-wife?! Huh???

I avoid them like H1N1. FIL has been completely cut off by DH and MIL had to shut the f-up before DH would talk to her again. He even told them why!

There is nothing more important to them than their poor little "victim" of a divorce grandaughter. Nothing. They don't give a flip about me, our marriage, not even this pregnancy.

Odd because they both remarried once themselves?

They can *have* SD6 for all I care. They all have enabled her to be a full blown brat with zerp empathy and manners.

tofurkey's picture

Ohhhh Crayon...I wish that every minute of EVERY day....

We actually have to pass the place where DH met BM on the way out to MIL's for skid visit....I make sure to tell him when we go by that I wish he never went to that God forsaken place because our lives would be a whole hell of a lot better and shit loads less dramatic and oodles more enjoyable if he hadn't.

Rags's picture

Sounds like it is time to plant that young ladies nose in the corner every time she visits until she can act her age. If she throws a tantrum, light her ass up.

7 is more than old enough to expect some higher order behavior unless there is something developmentally wrong with her.

Your DH needs to be the one to do it.

These kids are nauseating. The parents of these nauseating little shits seem to always fall in to three categories. 1) Snooty high income buddy parents who ignore their nasty little shits over a glass of wine or a martini. 2) My angels are perfect and aren't they so cute idiots. 3) Tired embarrassed parents who look 20yrs older than their real age and are clueless as to how to get their little shits under control.

When I run in to them in public it is all I can do not to barf on their parents shoes, especially the 1&2 parents. These parents will never fix their kids and I would rather shoot the parents than waste my time trying to fix their hell spawn.

The 3 parents I just want to offer to solve their problem for them by taking their kid outside and lighting up some ass.

1,2&3 parents have no business procreating but at least the 3s may be salvageable.


IMHO of course.

tofurkey's picture

Trust me rags, if it were up to me I would have actually done something about it IF i really gave a shit about how this kid turned out....She lives primarily with BM who does nothing to parent the child properly as far as discipline and responsibility goes and then visits at MIL's who does somehow even less than that. My every other weekend one day discipline isn't going to do shit except get her to turn me into a monster in everyone else's eyes. I figure, just sit there, read magazines until it's over, then everyone else can look like the asshole when she continues to grow up to be a waste of space.

Rags's picture

Okay, In that case read mags, have a tequila martini, put some classic rock on your I-Pod and enjoy your one day ever two weeks. Or, just book a spa day every visitation.

Best regards,