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World Economy and Ecosystem: Through a Teenager's Eyes

tornchild98's picture

People think that we have it all. WE don't. People today are wasteful. It's either you want a green world or you want billions of skyscrapers. I pick neither. I want a little bit of electricity, just a phone, computer, clock, and a light. I want running, warm water. I want a respectable sized house with a respectable amount of land. I don't want to work in the fast food business or an corporate businesses. I want to work in an independent store with no sister stores; one of a kind. I want to live in a city, with lots of stuff to do. I want a nice family; a husband, three kids, a pet. Isn't that the original American Dream?? Add on a little gold, money and a social status and you have am average American. But, no, people today want huge buildings, nation-wide businesses, and people want to divorce and remarry at least twelve times. People want to do drugs and get pregnant at age 15. People want to run away and commit suicide. People want to kill and bully. They aren't nice, I have witnessed this. I have been the victim of bullying, harassment, and abuse. I have thought about suicide and drugs. I have thought about running away and killing my harassers and parents. I have, I am not scared to admit this. Today's "Perfect World" is very cruel. It is worse today than it was when our parents were in school. They could walk around town without worrying about being kidnapped or stalked. Trust me, having an adult stalker is scary. I had one. He followed me and my friends everywhere: Subway, School, the pool, Hy-Vee, the mall, the Art-walk...
It's scary, the world today. And we greedy humans or killing ourselves. We are animals too. We speak our own language, just like dogs. They think we are weird. They live their life, we live ours. We have just evolved a few more times than them.
We can for one, blame fast-food and Wall-Mart/Hy-Vee. They ruin smaller, local stores. We can blame our government too. They spend all out tax dollars on their own pay checks. We are just greedy people who need to dull down, go a day without technology, live a little. Go out in the wild and have fun. That's what we were made for! Feel free to comment below... Smile


stepmomto3bioto1's picture

You seem rather well-educated and have a strong writing sense. Im a bit confused-arent you a mere 14 yrs old? My stepkids cannot articulate this well.

Before I respond any further. May I ask you what brought you to this website? I see im your other blog posted tonite that your parents are divorced & are wanting you to choose whom you want to live with. Sad position to be put in.

Just thought Id let you know that it would serve you better to find a website for teens of divorced parents. There you would probably get better advice & have kids your age who you would relate to better

We are geared to being a place where Step Parents come to vent about our struggles. Its more a place for Adults sweetie. Just trying to help you. Best of luck!!