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I just want her out of my face

TryingSoHard's picture

SD has an incredibly huge false sense of entitlement. She had been doing somewhat better until BM took her car shopping last week. SD threw a tantrum at the dealership in front of everyone because she wanted a DIFFERENT car than the one her mom was offering to buy. This involved screaming and stomping her feet like a two year old. They finally found a car for her and she drove it all yesterday.

Then, she lied about spending the night with her friend and spoiled our child free evening out of town. We had to worry about her helpless ass instead of having a good time. We never get time alone, or anything resembling a vacation. She stayed out all night and came home smelling like booze, then slept all day. Her dad took her keys but she found another set and voila, off she went when we were away from the house.

SD has no ability to plan for the future. She can only see the immediate future. There is no such thing as delayed gratification in her world. If she doesn't get what she wants NOW, she makes our life hell.

That is why I am ready to kick her out.


Jsmom's picture

Get her out. This is an accident waiting to happen. Who is paying for her car insurance and expenses. She is going to get a DUI or kill someone. She doesn't deserve a car.

TryingSoHard's picture

I agree. The best thing that could happen to her right now is getting pulled over by the cops and arrested. Her mother is the one who bought her the car. SD gets whatever she wants from her mother, who is constantly trying to undermine our authority... even though her disaster of a kid lives with us.

I believe SD is on SO's insurance... but I need to check on this. I hope she's not, because you're right. A DWI will skyrocket your insurance. Maybe she ought to be paying for her own...

I don't think she deserves a car either. But I've disengaged. Honestly, I'm glad I don't have to give her rides anymore, and I don't have to have time with SO interrupted because SD suddenly "needs" a ride. She plays him so easily, too. But unlike a lot of other SOs, mine is quick to see where he's made a mistake and to try and correct it.

Bottom line: I want her out soon.

Jsmom's picture

I wouldn't worry about the cost of the insurance, I would worry about the lawsuit coming your way...She is a liability for you if she is living with you.

TryingSoHard's picture

I have definitely spent some time worrying about that. The good thing is that SD will be eighteen in less than a few months. Then she'll have those things on her permanent record, and she can deal with legal fees.

Out of curiosity, what do you mean about a lawsuit coming our way? What could I be sued for, simply because she's living here? Thanks for your input.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

She is under age. If she is drinking, or at fault for a car accident, your husband is liable for her being sued. She is not an adult and therefore your husband is responsible. Even if the courts find BM is responsible, he still will be held liable for 50%. Her Insurance will not cover underage drinking and driving at all.

Jsmom's picture

If you pay the insurance and/or she resides with you you can be liable. They will go after everyone they can and see what falls out. Some of the liability is covered in your umbrella with your homeowners. But, not enough. A manslaughter civil suit can bankrupt you.

TryingSoHard's picture

Do you know if this applies after she turns eighteen? We have no money to speak of, and we rent our house.