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Feeling totally undermined!!!!

tryingtobecalm's picture

Havnt been on for a while but felt the need to vent. We have full custody of SS6. He has lived with us for the past year and his mum has only been allowed supervised access bcos of previous abuse. We had a court date last month for a review and it was decided that she can now have one overnight stay every other week. A court order was drawn up to say she picks him up each alternate Friday from school and we pick him up on the Saturday evening. This Friday should be her first one. My husbands parents got a phonecall from BM last night to say her grandmother has died and its the funeral on Friday so she cant pick SS6 up from school. So they arrange between themselves that hubbys parents will pick him up and take him to her house without asking us. Inlaws and BM live approx 30min drive from us and school. The whole reason BM was made to pick him up was to show some commitment and use her fuel as she pays no child support.

These are the issues I have:

1 - BM should be asking hubby, not Inlaws
2 - Inlaws should not be getting involved in making decisions and should have told her to get in touch with us or solicitor to make changes to the court order.
3 - I now have to go to school on Friday instead of getting to finish work and go straight home,to pick SS6 up bcos Inlaws dont know where school is. (Its right on the main Road!!) God forbid I have a free afternoon!
4 - When my Grandad died his funeral was arranged for 11am on the day of our first court date so hubby pouted til I convinced my Grandma to change the time so I could go to court with him.... why does he not expect the same from her???!!!
5 - Why can HER family / friends not help her pick SS6 up instead of MY family!!

Apparently I'm over reacting, no one understands "what the big deal is".
Is it me?? What do we all think... Please help


ltman's picture

In-laws definitely need to stay out of this. They're creating a problem that will bite them in the ass.

tryingtobecalm's picture

Yep and causing probs for us too.. you cant just change a court order otherwise what was the point in all those £0000s we spent getting it.

tryingtobecalm's picture

Yep its so frustrating that hubby cant see that. Mummy dearest can make whatever decisions she wants!!! Im totally unreasonable for thinking that tho apparently