I have a name and it is not HER
This past weekend my husband, child and myself were all hanging in the living room having a lazy day and it was fun...until the sd decideds she wants to come out of her room and act like she is the only one that exsists. We tried talking to her, but she gave us the cold sholder so we stopped. She was more than welcome to jump in at any time and join the convo, but instead she decides she just wants to talk to her father so before every sentence she says father. Ok...so se doesnt want to talk to me...thats fine I will talk to my son. Then after a few minutes they stop talking, then my husband asks a question to her...she then says...are you asking her?
Maybe it was just a bad weekend, but let me tell you this...I have a name and it is not HER! GRRR
Anyone else ever go through this?
- tryingtomakeit's blog
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I used to until I let them
I used to until I let them ALL know that it was completely disrespectful and to NEVER refer to me like that again.
My SS's at Christmas: "Dad,
My SS's at Christmas:
"Dad, is this present from JUST you, or you and *her*?"
And I was sitting right there.
Yep! I remember it well.
Yep! I remember it well. Hopefully your DH corrected SD, right? (yeah right)
I was getting ready to go out to do some grocery shopping on one of GG's weekends. At the time 9 1/2 year old VD (SD now stb 13 in less than two weeks) says to GG (with hands on hips) "Where is SHE going?"
1. None of your business you little brat
2. I am not a SHE! I have a name and in fact I don't like it that you call me by my first name.
In my day, children were never to address adults by first names and definitely not by impersonal pronouns. I almost flew across the room one time when I accidentally referred to my mother as she in front of my father. My dad let me know in no uncertain terms that was NOT acceptable.
Of course GG painstakingly explained to her every detail of where I was going instead of correcting her. :sick: :sick:
What your SD is doing is RUDE RUDE RUDE and daddykins *should* correct her. . . but not if he's a guilty-disney-doormat daddykins. :sick: He might "lose" her to the BM should he instill some common manners.
Remember the movie Betelgeuse
Remember the movie Betelgeuse (beetlejuice or however they spelled it), where if his name was said 3 times, he would appear?
I think my skids have decided if they speak my name 3 times IN THEIR LIFETIME either I will appear, or they will melt.
I guess that's why they think "her" is a safe option.
I just laugh about it because it's so freaking ridiculous. I've learned that if I get upset or say how rude that is, I'm just feeding the fire. So I laugh and ask them if their teeth are going to fall out, or some other equally hideous thing happen, if they say my name. And then I'll kindly remind them of what my name IS.