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Why do I even care...I try to disengage-but my buttons get pushed and bam Im right back getting crapped on

tryingtomakeit's picture

So, we had the sd for the weekend (joy...not!) Supposly, she has had mono, but my husband nor I were told so on our way home she informed me of this. I was so pissed, I asked my husband and he said the ex never mentioned it to him. So, one of the side effects of mono of course is being tired. Well my , bright husband gave her some medication for a headache and she posted on fb that she took a sleeping pill.

Me being the only technological person in the house, saw the post. I am sorry that one of the last things you put on facebook is that you took a pill and only 14 years old. I told my husband about it, but he didnt do a thing about it. So, now the rumor will probably be the sd is a pill head and I will have to hear all about that. How people are so mean to her.

I dont want her around me...she is so dramatic!


Helena.Handbasket's picture

That's not being disengaged. You looked at her Facebook and told on her. Next time, do nothing go home and ignore her. She is his problem when sick.

Kes's picture

It is very, very tempting to look at the SKIDs FB accounts and report back to DH. I got drawn into this at one point, mainly because SD15 was posting obscene stuff and neither of her parents seemed to care, neither did FB admin. In the end, I gave up my FB account. I consider it now one of the great evils of the internet. Try not to look if you possibly can.