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It's time...

unbelieveable's picture

It's ON. I am DONE. WE are done with BM's BS!

Paperwork is documented. Innapropriate Texts BM has sent to the kids have been printed. Appt. for an attorney is set. We are getting the CFS from a few months ago when BM kicked the kids out...No more games b*otch. It's ON! We are DONE with the threats. We are done with your lies. Done. Done. Done. I hope she's ready. WE are. HE is.

She got fired from her job.
Is having "issues" at home with her new husband.
Trying to raise CS. I don't think so.
She's already RUINED Xmas.
I WISH I could find a father's rights team to get behind him. He is going to need all of the support he can get.

Told me I will NEVER see her kids again and called US lots of names for telling her kids to use their manners? She has OFFICIALLY lost it. Well guess - what - SO have I!!!!!!!!!


unbelieveable's picture

Oh yeah...she also said I am NOTHING to her kids and I don't count - with lots of swearing and threatening me with court. Have all my texts saved...yes - texts - you can't talk to her on the phone - she SCREAMS the whole time. I thought it would be easier to save too. First time I think I've EVER communicated with this bitch and she was completely INSANE! I even tried to very maturely to end the conversation after saying what I needed to say - I didn't even swear once or lose my temper - after she "tried" to belittle me several times. Another amazing example of how BM's don't appreciate EVERYTHING WE do for THEIR children.

MJL2010's picture

This reply is going to be one of mixed messages. From what we've been through, there are many different thoughts I have to offer regarding your post.

I hope that you are successful in establishing the boundaries you'd like to set with this woman. I hate to be a "downer" but please keep one thing in mind: if BM is nuts (and sadly it sounds like she is a classic BM with a personality disorder), then there is nothing that you or a court can do to *make* her do the right thing. If she's not putting her kids in danger (which hopefully a court will see that she did when she kicked them out), it's likely that no court will side against her.

Also, VERY SADLY, you- and I- and every other stepmom on here- DON'T count legally when it comes to our stepkids. Even though many of us provide the stability, good parenting, and boundaries that our stepkids need, the only two who matter to a court are BM and BF. Her horrible texts, e-mails, slander to anyone who'll listen, regarding you are inconsequential.

I hate that it is this way. I wish so much that there were more stepparent support groups out there, groups that fight for our rights. I tried to start a local chapter of a national one but the contact people for the organization have moved or become defunct somehow- never got calls back and I tried so many times!

So please think before going into debt with an attorney (maybe you are one of the lucky blended families that has no financial worry and you can afford to spend thousands- I do not mean to assume anything!). I really really hope that you will have a chance to be heard, and that this all turns in your favor. I would LOVE to hear a success story and have to eat my words!! Best of luck.

MJL2010's picture

Not in our case. None of the shit she has done regarding me has ever even seen the light of day with the judge. According to DH's attorney, when the law guardian asked the kids whatever he asked them, they responded positively about DH, BM and me- law guardian knows all the horrible things she has said, texted, left on vm, slandered, etc....and has chosen to never even address it. We dropped all court proceedings (including the psych eval ordered by the judge on BM) because we knew that nothing, NOTHING would ever make her do the right thing. To this day she alienates DH every chance she gets, but I basically don't care what she does to me anymore- I've spent WAY too long feeling vulnerable to this woman's black soul and nastiness.....we deal with her awfulness on the home front and we are not in family-court-incurred debt. Life is good. Although I haven't ruled out some type of hijinx, probably before skids are grown, regarding her wanting to move with them- DH will have to retain a lawyer for that- so I shouldn't speak too soon!!

unbelieveable's picture


Though she threatened me with court - the texts are NOT to me - they are to HIM. yes, I have some from her but I don't expect them to be in his favor. That is between she and I. I have accepted that I DO NOT COUNT - in her eyes or the courts - But after over 5 years HE is finally taking a stand! I will be there to support him - I don't care if we have to sell a vehicle to pay the bills - FDH doesn't even have a freaking custody agreement! That's first on his list. He's going to do this FINALLY! Something! We will just cross our fingers and hope all goes well. He got the BEST lawyer we have here - one step at time!