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Oh? You said your kids won't listen?

unbelieveable's picture

Sorry if I get distracted while writing this - FMIL is stomping around the house having a tantrum because she wants soup at 1:30...and not a can...soup from Panera apparently...

Boyfriend calls the kids tonight - as he does every night...conversation goes well until BM gets on the phone whining...and yelling at him..."These kids will NOT listen to me...I am at my breaking point!!" He says...welp...beat them. hahaha! (of course not literally.)

So he tells me this...and this is what I would have liked to have said to her:

"Oh? What's that?" Your kids won't listen? They are being overly dramatic? I wonder why? I wonder if it's because you choose to be their best friend instead of their mother. You know mom isn't a's a verb right? Maybe it's because you have taught them to be disrespectful? Maybe it's because they have learned their tantrums and "how to get their own way" from...YOU? Maybe it's because you have moved them like 13 times in 4 years? Maybe it's because you constantly tell them they are ill? And take them to unncessary doctors? Or call ambulances everytime they get a scrape? Or bully them about their grades? Or teach them to HANG UP on their own father when he won't keep them an extra week because he is broke? They only know structure and rules in one place...and that's here with us. If you can't handle them...we will gladly take them off your hands - get ALL of the child support back on their father's paycheck and move out of this house and get our own; where they will do their homework every night...where they know lies are NOT permitted and manners are...Where they know they have TWO parents that now work together and do not listen to your arrogance anymore. Where they WILL be loved. We don't run out on them when we get frustrated. We stop it before it gets too out of control. We are the bosses here...not them. They used to be horrible because of YOU. NOW - they know their limits here. They are children. They NEED a mother. They NEED structure and rules! They don't need someone who is more consumed with her love life than her own children. They don't need to be taught it's okay to have babies with "good" the way - that was an EXCELLENT thing to tell them when you left that "GOOD" boyfriend...the sad thing was - he was the best thing that could have happened to them out there. When you reach your breaking point feel free to give us a call...we will be waiting."

That feels better...
