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A PMS vent

Unhappy's picture

I'm in the irratated stage of PMS right now and I need to vent. Here are just a couple of things that are bothering me right now.

1.) If you read my previous blog from yesterday you'll know that SD(7) decided that she was going to be mean to my BD(7) when they were with MIL and FIL on a week ling vacation and grabbed her by the waist and drug her under water with her when they were swimmin. My BD just leared how to doggie paddle and is not a strong swimmer and didn't even have a chance to take a breath before she was forced under water. SD likes to be mean because she gets a kick out of watching other kids get upset or cry.

2.) Talking with MIL the other day about SD's behavior. I was explaining to her that I think a lot of her bahavior is due to her always being the center of attention and now she's not so she's acting out. MIL's response was to make her the center of attention again. Really?!? When I tried to explain to her that I think that doing that is setting her up for a rude awakening when she becomes an adult, because the world will not be rotating around her, she told me that her mother and father did that to her and she turned out great. Well, that's great for you. Not everybody is the same and you have no clue what it's like being in a blended or unblended family. Then she tried to pull the divorce card. I swear, the next time I hear that one I'm going to flat out tell her that my BD went through the same thing and her father pretty much abandoned her and she's not running around hurting or being cruel to other children because of it.

I just don't get her. The time before last when we were there SD treated her like sh!t and she was all about cracking down and having to be extreme in order to get her under control before she reaches the teen years and now she's all about showering her with attention because that'll fix the bad behavior. Well here's a little fun fact for you MIL. I think that's the reason she acts the way she does and she was given adult status for years. Divorce my a$$. She doesn't even know what she's talking about and I've spent more time with SD then she ever has. Oh and that's not forget her blamming SD's behavior on DH's and I relationship. I got the DH should have waited longer giving SD a chance to adjust. Walk a mile in my shoes MIL. You might be singing another tune within a month.

3.) My BD's bday is coming up here pretty soon. Last year we moved her into the den to get her away from SD. I want to do a bedroom make over for just like I did last year for SD because she was so sad after I moved my BD out. I told Dh about this and his response was, "what about SD's room. She has that wall with nothing on it and I want to put some posters up." I told him that's fine, even though it's not her bday it's my BD's bday. Then he went as far as telling me that SD's room looks like sh!t. Really DH?!? I spent a week coming home after work painting accent walls and paint over the huge picture that he started painting on one of her walls that he was never going to finish. I see where my hard work gets me.

Why does my BD's room make over have anything to do with SD's room? I just don't get it. Then once I start listing off what I wanted to do I get the you going to spend more than the $150 that we agreed upon for the kids bdays. Well news flash DH, I spent more then $150 on SD's room last year and I bought her a couple of presents on top of that.

I also want to move this huge adult desk out of the den because it's a bedroom and of course DH is like, "why do you want to do that? I would have loved to have a desk when I was a kid." Yes, Maybe a kids desk. Not a huge desk that nobody uses that takes up and entire wall in my BD's bedroom. I want her to have a normal little kids bedroom. WTH is wrong with that. So now DH is going to put it in SD's room because he thinks that she'll love it and her room is so bare. Let's see, she has a bed, dresser, toy box, night stand, a little light up flower bush, and a bean bag seat. Yes we have deprived her of having wall to wall sh!t in her room. She basically has nothing.

I actually think this is more than PMS. I think that I would be p!sses even if my hormones weren't raging at the moment. What the hell is wrong with these people?


BaseballMom42's picture

I think you should go a decorate your BD room however you want, after all it is her birthday. I myself was wondering what protocol on this sort of thing was. I just got married in June have son 10 and out of the blue after we got married SS15 wants to live with us. So it got me I now have to spend the exact same on each child? I make a lot more than DH because he is in school for physical therapy and only works part time. So he would always send gifts down to his son and a lot of the time I would buy stuff to help with out even before we were married. I have always got my son nice birthday/christmas gifts, but I guess now I will have to split that equally right? Before when SS15 lived out of state he wouldn't even know what my son received for birthdays holidays or just because, but now he will I guess. It is so HARD. Especially since DH parents spoil SS15 and get him whatever he wants, so he comes home with all this stuff and brags about it to DS10. But that is his grandparents, so I can't say anything, but then I can't go and spend a bunch on my son or I would look like a witch. It is tough!

imjustthemaid's picture

Ok I totally understand the pms rant because thats what I have been doing on here for the last 2 days!!

I also understand the MIL issue. When I met DH it was just him and SD (10 at the time)SD has made it very clear she is jealous of my DD. SHe plays the poor me card and MIL constantly calls DH to let him know poor SD needs more alone time with you. She hates DD10 and BD4. Evil bitch! SHe takes SD shopping and buys her everything she wants. Then I take DD shopping and you what have thought I tried to murder SD!!

I just bought all sorts of new things for DD and BD's room. They share a room. SD is all bent out of shape. I bought DD a great vanity that doubles as a desk. It opens up and there is a nice mirror and it came with a chair or bench type of seat. So cute and I only paid $85!! SD did not like that even though MIL gave her a white desk last year!! Ugh!

Of course DH will feel all guilty and make all these promises to get things for SD's room because she cannot handle anyone else getting anything even though she is 15 yrs old!!

I do sneakily get the girls extra things when SD is not around and I don't feel bad about it one bit!!

BaseballMom42's picture

I sometimes also get things for DS10 in secret or take him some place without SS15 knowing. And DS10 is so good, he never says a word. But SS15 makes sure he always brags as soon as he gets home from grandparents and lets DS10 know all the new things he just got from his grandparents "...look, DS10, my grandparents just bought me this and that, worth like $200, is top of line, I get ALL the best stuff" and on and on. And the thing is DS10 doesn't say a word, he just sits there listening and nodding and saying cool, that's nice.

imjustthemaid's picture

THat is my house exactly!! SD15 comes home showing off all of her new stuff and the other kids are hurt by it. Then I feel bad and I take the girls shopping and DD also does not say a word!! I told her if she tells SD or DH then I will never take her shopping again. She is a good kid Smile Of course SD15 has an inventory in her head of everything we own so if she sees us wearing something new she always has to say something about it. Ugh!!!

Unhappy's picture

We made it fair because one kid can't have more money spent on them than the other and if we didn't make a budget DH would spending a lot more on things like Christmas.

The year before last he wanted to buy SS 4 at the time a flat screen TV for his room. I explained to him that all of his Christmas budget would have been spent on just one present and SS would probably be pretty disappionted. DH decided that he would just spend more money on him to make the presents even and I had to expain to him that it's not fair to his BD or mine that his son gets twice the amount spent on him because DH wants to buy him a flat screen TV.

It's tough. I am going to turn my BD's room into an actual bedroom and not a den with a bed in it. If I go a little over like I did last year with SD's room then so be it. I just get tiered of things like my BD's bday having to relate to SD. It's not her bday. What does that have to do with SD or SD's room?

BaseballMom42's picture

Yup, it is your BD special day, and she should get treated that way. This is the one day a year where it is only about her. I wouldn't feel guilty about spending a little extra if it comes down to it. It sounds like you really try to keep things even and do a great job at it, so do what you want for you BD on her birthday Smile

Unhappy's picture

Well, I was planning on removing the huge desk out of her room, painting two accent walls (I was thinking a very soft yellow), moving her bed so that the headboard is up against the wall and centering it, getting her a night stand, replacing her dresser, putting up a princess canopy over her bed, getting her a little CD player, and putting up some posters. I would also like to get her a TV but I would probably have to go to a pawn shop to keep the cost down.

It seems like a lot but I think I can do it all for just over $150. Her room right now looks like a den with a bed in it and DH's kids rooms have accent walls and themes and I want my BD to have a room that she'll love as well. Not an office with her bed in it. I was also planning on getting her a couple of small gifts too. I was thinking a choose your own adventure book set and a breyer horse. The toy horse is a tradition that my dad started with me when I was little. I got one every year for my bday and Christmas.