I am one pissed off Mama!!
I have had it with BM, she is turning my SS's into assholes!!! I told her what I thought of her, and how it is gonna be, and if she isn't going to step up and be a real parent to these boys then leave them alone and let me do it!! I am not backing down anymore! I will not have these boys and her decide how I live my life anymore!! She now knows I am not going anywhere, and I am not puuting up with their bull shit anymore!!!!! I am now in the drivers seat of my life and DH is on my side,, and so is BM"s, boyfriend LOL!! This woman has no Idea who she is messing with!!!!!
- vgill's blog
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Just get f-ing pissed off
Just get f-ing pissed off and let her know she is going to hear you one way or another, and running away from you isn't gonna make anything better, cause you aren't going anywhere, and something has to be said!!!! Plus it doesn't hurt that I stand about one foot higher than her, and she know I could kick her ass!!!
Yeah....would you please set
Yeah....would you please set some three-headed dogs on the harpy BM we deal with. She's sooooooo superior now that she has full custody! :evil:
“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine
JUst make her jelous, and
JUst make her jelous, and make comments on all the free time you now have to have wild sex in the middle of the living room floor now that there are no little eyes to watch!!!! Wooo HOoO naked Saturdays!!! Gotta LOve them!!!LOL!!!!
LOL! That's funny!
That's funny! Especially when you consider we've only been married two years! Whooohoooo....newlywed nookie!
Recently UberSkank informed DH she only wants to communicate with him via text and email. Apparently she took exception to him telling her "To burn in hell you f**king skanky C**T after he accused her of being a crappy mother and denying him visitation for the third time. Yes...he used the C word with her and he never even says that word around me. He usually says C U iN Toledo. :evil:
“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine
Truth hurts doesn't
Truth hurts doesn't it!!LOL!!
Im sure you feel 100%
Im sure you feel 100% better. Good for you! Thats awesome.
"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus