BF's daughters
I have been reading Steptalk for some time now, but I have not been posting.
But I thought I could ask for advice, so I registered.
So here's the deal. My boyfriend and I are together for more than a year now.
He told his daughters - 14, and 17 half a year ago.
Since then, their relationship has been horrible, and our was getting worse and worse. When he first told them, they were in shock and thought that I'm just a fun game that will last a few days, but since they saw it was serious (I even moved in),they started working to separate us.
At first it worked - his behaviour changed, he was different and he would allow them do disrespect me, threaten me, call me names, and we almost broke up.
But then he took care of it - by setting boundaries and talking to them about it in a firm way. It did work, they stopped doing it,but they also stopped coming over.
For a few months they'd come and just sit and pout, whatever he'd say, they would answer with one word and look away. They wouldn't even look at him! Whatever he offered (food, drinks, to go out) they'd say no. They ignored him and me,just sitting on the couch not doing or saying anything. He tried to talk to them but they refused.
But then, a few months later, they stopped coming over completely. They said that if he has me, he won't have them. They said he had to choose, he wouldn't choose.
He has been miserable ever since, because they are not talking to him and he hasn't seen them. He called them, but they would not talk to him. Here's one of their conversations.
BF and his daughter 17 years old(i'll label her SD , because it's easier) :
BF: Hi
BF: How are you?
SD: fine
BF: How's school, anything new?
SD: Fine, no
BF: I'd like to ask you if you'd like to meet me, come over, or something,and talk..
SD: Did you break up with her?
BF: No
SD: Are you going to?
BF: No,and I'm asking to see you and your..
SD: Same answer to you then
She hung up.
He called again, but nothing. He called the 14yr old, nothing.
He texted them a few times, 14yr old replied "call us when you leave her"
He did not answer to that. He called them yesterday, no answer.
I don't think it's coming from their mother,because she has been nothing but good to us. When BF and I met her together (in a restaurant) she was nice, respectful, complimented my necklace and wished us luck.
BF said that when they split up, she was normal, cooperated, and there were no problems with her.
A few months ago I met her on the market and I was carrying bags to my car, she asked if I wanted help. I refused but still,compared to what I read here, she was nice.
She made the girls go to our home when thy refused,saying that they need to see their father. She said to them to be nice to BF and me. (They said to BF that their mom told them to be good and to talk to us,but they will not)
So I don't think it's from her,because she's really nice and really has no reason to be jelaous as she is the one who brought up the divorce in the first place,and I don't think she'd convince the girls to anything as she really does not do anything to us. She works in the same company as BF and she's very polite and respectful to him,and me if I go to his work (I do it sometimes).
But the girls have been like that,and he has been miserable. He doesn't show any affection to me, doesn't talk, doesn't do anything. He watches TV and looks horrible. He doesn't go out,talk to anyone,he isolated himself from anyone and anything.
I offered him to talk to me,he didn't want to. To go to a counselor,he didn't want to.
He's absolutely miserable and desperate,and not just that it annoys me that he won't talk to me (it's like I'm not in a relationship), but it truly hurts me horribly to know that he feels so bad.
What can I do?
PS. The girls live with their mother now. It was 1 week at mom's , 1 week at dad's but now it's all at mom's.
They tried to force them to go to dad's (even their mom tried to make them go to us at least for a day if not a week, yes she did, she brought them herself - and it's not to get rid of them as they didn't even plan to be in the house at the time so she is not the problem), but they were horrible that time,so they didn't do it again.
- vikki0's blog
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If BM is friendly with you
If BM is friendly with you maybe you can talk to her explain that you're having trouble bonding with the girls and maybe she can arrange for just you and the girls to go have a "girl day" if they refuse then as uncomfortable as it may be suggest BM and the girls join you. If she really is a decent lady and a good mom she will show her daughters how to treat you respectfully and that u aren't some threat?!! It sounds strange but you may have won the BM lottery and got a good one, since she's the only one the kids have arrelationship with she's ur best bet to threw to the kids.
I also think BLM had a great idea as well and is worth a try
I talked to her today, and
I talked to her today, and she said that she will try to help. She'll talk to them today and try to get them to go out with her and I.
She says she wants them to have normal family relations with both mom and dad, and if they don't like me no one can make them,but they have to be respectful and civil not because I'm their dad's gf but because I'm a person who did nothing bad or wrong to them or anyone.
It's her words.
I'm really happy that she's like that,especially when I read about crazy BMs here on steptalk. So thankful for that.
She'll call me today, when she talks to them .
Thank you so much for the idea!
They said to BF that they
They said to BF that they don't like me, that they do not think I'm the right person for their dad, that he downgraded from their mom to me, that he could do way better, that I'm annoying, that they don't and can't see me as a part of their dad's family, that he should find someone who's actually nice and pleasant to be around..
Basically they think that I'm not nice and pleasant to be around who knows why,I have been nice to them and their mother and father. I didn't push any kind of relationship, I just tried to be a friend,nice and pleasant, but they still say I am not nice and don't want to be around me. They also say I've changed their father for worse, and that they can not recognize him. It's true that he changed,but for better at least I think. But they say that they don't know who the man in front of them is.
They don't like me, but they also keep saying that the BM is perfection and they can't believe he'd settle for me after her. She is better at some things,but I don't think she's a better person. She's good,but I think that I'm good too.
So basically, they say that he should be with BM, or someone as good as her.
He does support me financially a bit,but it's not a lot of money - I work but I don't make much. When i get the money I'll certainly help him too if he needs. So they call me uneducated (My lvl of education is lower than their mom's so for them I'm illiterate), a mooch, gold digger,bitch who likes to use their dad,etc. He's not really wealthy,he's let's say average or a bit above average and it's not really making it hard for him, I'm not taking anything away from them,but they keep pointing out how their mom earns everything for herself, never takes "charity" -that's how they call it, yep- from anyone,etc.
Their BM is not "stuck up" (I don't know a better English term for this..concieted? idk), she doesn't go on about how she's rich,sucessful, educated,etc. she's pretty down to earth but they do it for three.
I have been with my BF for
I have been with my BF for over a year now. He puts me and our relationship front and center ALWAYS. He would NEVER allow skid to treat him/me that way or allow skid to control him to the point that he has to beg his own child to see him, spend time with him, etc. That is sheer nonsense!
I know that they are his children and he loves them BUT they are being controlling, manipulative, selfish little bitches. They KNOW what they are doing and will stop at apparently nothing to get their way which is to get rid of you in their Father's life.
The BEST thing for your BF to do is to STOP calling, texting, begging, etc. these brats. He is enabling them and allowing them to control him and to put him way below parent status! They are the children NOT the parents therefore they should NEVER have or have had this much control over him and his life! He is grown, he doesn't need to explain or justify himself to his children in why he is with you and chooses to stay with you. They are children who should be and need to be put in their place.
If they do not like you and do not want to be around you or you being with their dad TOO BAD! He is an adult and he deserves to be happy and to choose who he wants to be with. Period. He should write them a letter or an email stating such as I have written above. He doesn't owe them anything, but since they will not even allow him the chance to call/text them that is the least he can do and maybe at the very least they will read it and then the ball should be left in their court. Tell him to let it all out in a letter or email and to stop calling, texting, etc. and STICK WITH IT! Let them come to him at that point. I am sure they will when they are ready...these girls just need their father to MAN UP and show them that he is the parent and they are the children. PERIOD!!!
I know that it's the best,
I know that it's the best, but he won't stop. He loves them more than anything and wants ar elationship.
I think he will not say "too bad if they don't want to" and be over with it, because they're his kids even though they're bitchy. He wants to see them.
And I really want to be with him,but I can't if this goes on because eventually he m ay have to choose (I won't be the one to make him!!), and I'm afraid it really won't be me.
They're his kids afterall.
So I want to fix the relationship with them,so I can stay with him.
I talked to their mom so we'll see tonight.
I really wish you the best
I really wish you the best with your situation but if nothing changes (with bf and/or skids) PLEASE do not stay with someone that does not treat you the way you DESERVE to be treated!
You deserve to be happy and treated like a Queen! And most importantly you deserve to be with someone who will put you FIRST!!!
If it weren't for my BF
If it weren't for my BF having my back and us being on the same page regarding skid/bm I would have dumped him ages ago! No way in hell am I going to be with someone who is controlled/manipulated by them nor would I be coming second to some gold digging whore and her clone...EVER!!!
Gold digging whore?
Gold digging whore? :?