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Worst mood he's been in..

vikki0's picture

So he's not talking to me, not answering his phone when it rings, not reading a book and not watching TV.
Basically he's not doing anything.
And he said that we're gonna talk tomorrow about all this, now he can't.

I'm worried, I'm close to crying,and I have no idea what's he gonna say.
I'm afraid we'll break up. Sad


mrs.g's picture

read my blogs "dint know what to do" and "need advice fast please help" i had the EXACT same problem. it was the worst and i though we were headed for a divorce. Everything came out in it's own time. We had a grown up conversation (except i was cry the whole time) and he explained how he feel and i listened. a few days later when i knew he felt better and heard, i explained how i felt and now were back to normal. Everything will happen how it's meant to. Try not to worry. Good luck!

december82's picture

Maybe he just had a reality check... finally seeing how manipulative his girls are, and is just upset at how far they've taken this!
Only you know if there's anything you've done that could be seen as majorly wrong, so if you conscious is clear then i wouldn't be too worried. just give him a bit more time, make his favorite meals and kind things like that, when the moment does arise that he starts to mention his kids again just listen, tell him you understand why he's upset and your sorry they are pulling this on him.. Don't get defensive or accusitory about how crappy his girls are/have behaved! He should come around and if not, at least you will know where you stand. Its a really shitty to feel like your being pushed out and you are rightly upset, but he's only worth having if he's willing to struggle threw the hard times WITH you!

Good luck!

(btw i haven't read any but ur last 2 previous blog's so, Im only basing my opinion on those)

nothinforya's picture

i found it really bizarre for you to be asked to attend a holiday event with his exwife hosting. I don't think I could have gotten through that. He needs to realize that this situation IS NOT ABOUT YOU. Any woman would be getting the same treatment, simply because he is in a relationship that is separate from the daughters and their mother. You may want to be free from all the emotional abuse they will have for you later on, so your reasons to split seem more valid than his.