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Oh the cursing is going to make me crazy !!!

Wah-wah-11's picture

I know kids pick up words any where.. But it's almost every day that the step kids are over my 3 year old says one of them says something. He doesn't say stuff if they aren't here. We don't use that language in our home. Not saying no body has never said shit or ass in front of them when with us. Last year the youngest step started telling our little one to say "shit" when he wid be in trouble or get mad at us. However, we don't say bitch, asshole, f**k. The oldest step kid told me how their mom and her husband use the F word all the time and call each other names. When I asked what names he said the B word, a-hole, the "H" word lol. It has progressed to "mom step kid just said bitch", "dad, step kid just called me a little bitch" "dad, step kid just said f**k"

They've had butts busted, time out, lost electronics, lost play time .. I'm gonna lose it! Any advice would be appreciated


B22S22's picture

My pediatrician said hot sauce for biting (toddlers) and bad words (young kids).

It won't hurt them, just a drop on the TIP of the tongue.