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Well, that was fast - OR - ASS is moving out

WalkOnBy's picture

I have very few details because, well because I don't really GAF, but ASS will be moving out of KarateKid's apartment in the very near future.

Where is he going, you may be asking?  Back to BeastTown, but not with the Beast. 

You may remember ASS's friend, Frank, whose mom let ASS move in with them for the summer after ASS graduated from high school.  Frank went off to college that following fall, and it was Frank's mom who convinced ASS that he, too, needed to go to college.  Frank went off to school, had some mental health issues, and took a couple years off.  He returned and graduated last December.  He has a good job in Human Resources with a local grocery chain in BeastTown and he has been living with his parents to save money.

All of that is to say this - apparently, Frank is in the middle of buying a mobile home and ASS will be moving in with him.  

KK is also friends with Frank, so I hope that he reaches out and fills him in on all things smell-related when it comes to ASS.  


AgedOut's picture

so Frank is going to move Sir Smells-A-Lot into a small enclosed area w/ him? Bros before Nose I guess,.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Frank was probably oblivious to the smell as a grubby High School student.  I have to assume that his sensibilities have matured since then especially if he is working in HR.  Poor Frank is in for a nasty surprise and I would put money on ASS looking for another abode pdq.

I'm going to put my money on it lasting less than 1 month.

WalkOnBy's picture

Yup - it was right after ASS graduated from high school that he moved in with Frank and his family.  Stayed there for the summer and then ASS went off to college. 


I am with you - I can't imagine that the two of them can co-exist in the tiny space of a mobile home.  

Rags's picture

in far more often than not suffer from that choice and the people they are helping, rarely change their course.

It is great that KK facilitated the departure of ASS. It likely won't be long before Frank de-stanks his home and ASS is looking for his next victim and sofa to deposit his stank on.