This just in - co-sleeping with teenaged children is wrong!
So says "Dear Amy" - oh, and the rest of the civilized world
This one is for YOU, stillneed!!!
- WalkOnBy's blog
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Who woulda thunk?
Who woulda thunk?
I had a tutor who was dating
I had a tutor who was dating a woman who's 15 year old son would sleep with her and also walk around the house naked. G.R.O.S.S.!!! I told him that was freakish and wrong.. he said "oh well he's very small and immature" WTF does that have to do with anything?? People are whack.
I was dating AbusiveAsshole
I was dating AbusiveAsshole when my DD25 hit puberty. Seemingly overnight, she got some huuuuge boobs! That morning, I told her the days of running around the house in a tank with no bra and short shorts were OVER - I had two young boys in the house, plus my then BF.
She was mortified of those boobs anyway, so getting her to cover up was not even a little bit difficult
When puberty comes a'calling, alllllll bets are off, right???
I don't understand people who don't understand that!!
Very True ^^
Very True
I am not a fan of co-sleeping
I am not a fan of co-sleeping at any age, either. I am glad to hear you won't be one of the crunchy granolas who co-sleeps and breastfeeds til age 5
We do a little of each... BS6
We do a little of each... BS6 sleeps in his own bed, in his own room... but sometimes (maybe 3-4 times a week) he'll wake up sometime between 3-5 in the morning and he'll come across the hall and crawl in bed with us, I honestly don't mind it (kind of like it
) and DH could care less. I figure it won't be long before he wants nothing to do with us so I'll take a little snuggling while I can get it. 
I would classify that more as
I would classify that more as snuggling than co-sleeping, and you're right - it will be over before you know it
There was a mom whose kid was
There was a mom whose kid was in preschool with Thing1 and Thing2. She had 8 kids at that time and went on to have a total of 10. We were at a very fancy private school that had a planetarium on a field trip one day. A very fancy private school with a world famous art collection and artist-in-residence program. Where even the pre-schooler boys word jackets as part of their uniform. It was very, very fancy.
And here come the public school preschoolers rollin' in for a planetarium show. With Mother Hubbard. And several of her small children. Three to be precise. Right there, at fancy pants school, she whips out a boob and starts feeding the baby. Ok, it's a baby. Then the 3 year old. Then the 4 year old - who announced she was hungry by saying "booby mom, booby time!"
I was like this - :jawdrop:
OMG - I DO remember that
OMG - I DO remember that poster. And, I remember how :jawdrop: and :sick: we all were - lol!!
Where's Jemma when you need
Where's Jemma when you need her? Wasn't she the one who was always posting craziness about breast feeding, strictly to incite a riot around here?
Shhh it's JEM and she's still
Shhh it's JEM and she's still around.
*gasp* so I am a half granola
*gasp* so I am a half granola
I only breast fed until 6 months and I "co sleep" until 2. Cot in my room that attaches to my bed }:)
lol! Nah, doing those things
lol! Nah, doing those things doesn't even qualify you as 1/8 granola
Cot that attaches to your bed doesn't fall into my definition of co-sleeping.
Polly slept in my bed when I
Polly slept in my bed when I only had a 1 bedroom cottage
for 2.5 years when I was trying to here my life on track and support my parents. So maybe 3/8 of a granola }:) Alas once I moved in with my douchey husband she went to her own bed like a dream.
Yep - that little detail
Yep - that little detail makes you at least 3/8 crunchy
Wait, did you wear your babies??? That could be a game
How do you wear a baby? Good
How do you wear a baby? Good heavens woman, they're not earnings :jawdrop:
you know, in one of those
you know, in one of those sling things....
oh man. Do NOT make me come
oh man. Do NOT make me come up there, Lady
Hahahaha I once did that to
Hahahaha I once did that to Polly. Not one of my prouder moments. She laughed at me and bit it open. She had a spider bite that she infected and caused impetigo. Still has the scar on her leg from it today.