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My ears, my ears - WTF is that noise????

WalkOnBy's picture

I walk in from a long day of work yesterday. We are renovating our workspace, and I am the project manager and I had to spend my day dealing with the punch list items, unavailable contractors, complaining employees, not to mention all the stuff that is part of my regular job. Needless to say, I was looking forward to a nice relaxing evening.


I walk in the house, set my stuff down, head upstairs to change my clothes, when I hear this noise. Hmm, what the hell is that noise? Like a violin being played by someone who is 2. Like a nails on the chalkboard sound. Like an I don't know what kind of animal is being tortured in my house sound.

As I climb the stairs, it becomes clear that this less than joyful noise is coming from BabyVoice's room. But, she plays the flute, and this is not a flute sound. I see DH in his office. "WTF is THAT?" I ask.

"BabyVoice is playing her ukulele" he says.

"her what? Where on EARTH did she get a ukulele and why?????"

"from Amazon. Apparently, she follows these YouTubers who play the ukulele. Don't worry, she'll get bored in a day."

Cut to this morning - I wake up at 6, head downstairs to feed the cat, grab some coffee, make my lunch. I turn on the tv in the kitchen to catch up on some news and then I hear it. The Sound. The Less Than Joyful Noise. At 6:10 in the morning.

As I head back upstairs, I see DH going into his office. "you said she would be tired of it in one day. It's day 2, buddy, it's day 2."

It would be a real shame if something happens to that ukulele, wouldn't it, ladies??


Monchichi's picture

I am not a morning person to put it mildly. If that were me the offending object would be rectally attached to the inconsiderate a-hole making the noise.

Remind me how you're not on Xanax and an alcoholic?

Tuff Noogies's picture

DITTO. i would have marched up to dh and given him a rude awakening, followed by BIG HAIRY EYEBALLS (complete with the neck twitch too) and a "MAKE. IT. STOP. NOW...."

WalkOnBy's picture

Oh, The Less Than Joyful Noise stopped immediately after the word "buddy" left my mouth. I have no idea what, if anything, DH did to make that happen, but I don't care.

robin333's picture

Both of you are a lot nicer than me. Not being a morning person, I probably would have destroyed the thing making the maximum amount of noise possible. If I have to suffer, everyone should suffer as well.

WalkOnBy's picture

She had a gift card, according to DH. However, I would also completely believe that she whined to him about wanting one and he bought it for her.

Whatever the hell she's doing, it sounds like someone who plays the violin for the first time.

twoviewpoints's picture

Play her a YouTube of Tiny Tim. That should cure this new ukulele interest in a big hurry.

notasm3's picture

OMG - I sympathize with you. My sister bought one after a trip to Hawaii. Horrible. She and I were closing out our dad's home, and she kept taking "breaks" to entertain me.

Jlbfinch's picture

My teenage SS plays the guitar, drums, violin, and keyboard. All self taught except for the violin. My DH plays the keyboard, guitar, drums, and harmonica. He taught himself all of them when he was around SS's age. It was a source of pride for his parents and SS being musically inclined is a source of pride for DH. The only thing I find suuuuper annoying at times is SS beating on the drums but I wait till I absolutely can't take it anymore before I say something bc frankly I'm the odd man out with my complaints. DH played in bands throughout his teens and early-mid 20s--I think he's partially deaf from it lol. Also, neither DH nor SS suck at their instruments.

WalkOnBy's picture

I am a singer. Sang in a band in college. Still sing a little bit today. I LOVE music.

What BabyVoice does with the ukulele is NOT music.

She's a first chair flautist - I am okay hearing that. I am NOT okay with the ukulele.

thinkthrice's picture

I second Tiny Tim and also walk into the room wearing a grass skirt!! BWA HA HA

Whatever you do, do NOT introduce her to the didgeridoo

WalkOnBy's picture

on yeah, there will be no mention of the didgeridoo in my house.

No way...nuh uh!!

WalkOnBy's picture

tell ya what? I will send her and the ukulele to YOU and YOU can encourage her to do her very best Smile

She didn't buy it because of its special meaning. She probably knows nothing of the origin or importance. She wanted it because she saw a boy playing it on YouTube.

WalkOnBy's picture

nope - I have been thinking and you're just the person to teach her about the true meaning of the ukulele!!

lintini's picture

It would be a shame to tighten those strings so much that when she picks it up again to play, they break.

Reminds me of this damn kid a few years ago when my college band would go on tour to try to recruit high school kids. We would be gone 3 days and this tool thought we all wanted to enjoy his ukulele playing on bus, all 3 days. I almost stole it and dumped it in the bus toilet. I don't remember his name but I want to choke him out when I picture his face. Another idiot who thought he was gods gift to every instrument.

WalkOnBy's picture

I hear what you're saying, and as I said above, I am a singer, so I understand the importance of music.

BabyVoice is a fine flautist. She is NOT a fine ukulele-er.

I didn't say that I deemed it odd. I said that she makes a horrible noise when she plays it.

You say "...requires the skill of a guitarist." Key word - skill.