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Quick update...oh, myyyyyyyyy...

WalkOnBy's picture

So, a few weekends ago, DH took BabyVoice and KarateKid up to ASS State to visit ASS. They went out to lunch and while they were driving, an ad for some kind of IBS medication came on the radio. KarateKid asked what IBS stood for and DH told him.

He then went on to say this - "I am surprised you guys didn't know what the meant since your mom had BabyVoice convinced she had IBS." Kids responded with various statements such as "oh yeah" and "I remember her getting so mad at you and WOB for not believing her."

DH went on to explain that it wasn't that he didn't believe her, it was just that self-diagnosing and then diagnosing your kid is not the most reliable way to diagnose and all we ever did was simply ask her for the name of the doctor who made the diagnosis.

BabyVoice went on to say that she never understood why Medusa was so "freaked out" about IBS anyway. That Medusa was always giving her medicine and yelling at her for eating chicken nuggets while MAKING her chicken nuggets.

ASS then pipes up - "so wait, you're saying that mom believed she had IBS but didn't and then she had us all convinced that BabyVoice had IBS when she didn't and when you asked her for the doctor who told her they both had IBS, she wouldn't give it to you and that's when all of this shit started?"

DH told him that the "shit" had started a little bit before that, but yeah, as soon as Medusa was questioned about her medical knowledge, things really ramped up.

ASS then went on to say "so-wait, THAT'S why she hated you guys, because you wanted to make sure that BabyVoice really did or didn't have IBS?" DH said yes. ASS then went on to say "so, Mom was more interested in fighting with you guys than she was with BabyVoice really being sick? DH said it appeared that way.

ASS then said "dad, what the hell did you ever see in her anyway? She is crazy!"

DH said that thankfully, at that time, they pulled up to the restaurant Smile


beebeel's picture

I envisioned a cartoon light bulb going off over ASS' head. Has he had more contact with Medusa at college? I was pretty sure she was going to get her hooks into him, but I'm pleasently surprised he seems to be catching on to her crazy!

WalkOnBy's picture

No, he hasn't had any more contact with her since he told her that he wasn't interested in having a relationship with her until after he graduates from college, and maybe not even then.

We are fully prepared for her to find out where KarateKid will be headed to in the fall, despite us telling any and all family members who still have contact with Medusa to keep their yaps shut, and for her to go after him hard.

He is pretty vulnerable, and not nearly as angry at life as ASS was at that age. If anyone is going to fall for her line of shit, it's KK.

beebeel's picture

Wow! I hadn't realized he was so close to graduating. I hope for your sake, any future Medusa activity doesn't follow him home on breaks. :O

Is BV a sophomore, then? You are sooooo close!!

WalkOnBy's picture

yeah, KK is a senior and has been accepted to DH's alma mater.

Yes, BV is a sophomore. Thank Dog!!

bearcub25's picture

Wow, you are almost done.

SD17 decided she didn't want to come back to our house when school started. IDK what BM bribed her with but SD is now flunking classes, and she flunked vo tech, probably drinking and doing drugs. YSS is now 18 and doing absolutely nothing, but he is very good at that.

I didn't think my freedom would ever come but DSO and I are enjoying each other after 7 years of pure hell.

WalkOnBy's picture

Yes-my long national nightmare is almost over Smile

Two years from today we will be prepping baby voice to go off to college, hopefully.

She has indicated that she may want to study graphic design-a really good field for her because she is a very talented artist.

I know I’m on the downside but goddamnit I wish it would get here sooner Smile

secret's picture

Isn't it great when the kids realize on their own the realities of life after a craycray parent?

advice.only2's picture

Ass: "Wait so you mean I was an absolute prick to you and WOB all these years because I was deluded enough to believe my CRAZY mom!"

WalkOnBy's picture

Yep - I kept waiting for DH to tell me that there was some kind of moment like that, but no such luck Biggrin

WTF...REALLY's picture

It’s always amazing when the lightbulb goes off. Sounds like he starting to grow up a little bit. Here’s hoping.

Acratopotes's picture

oh dear... WOB's next blog will be how ASS is her fav skid now, she will bash us for saying skids are evil... she will start calling her a bonus mum and ASS her bonus son }:) }:)

I'm surprised that ASS is seeing the truth, if Aergia gets to this stage, I still will not give her the time of day, sorry that ship sailed..
she can regret for the rest of her life or she can celebrate me not engaging with her

Acratopotes's picture

}:) }:) }:) I will tell you when you slip, I give it 6 months lol... when his girlfriend comes with him, knocked up, and you see the baby, we all know you are a sucker for babies Wink