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So, this happened last weekend...

WalkOnBy's picture

So, DH took the skids to the hospital to see Teddy last Saturday. Teddy had an angioplasty done and a stent put in. She seems to be doing okay. He had LOTS to tell me when he got home. No, they didn't run into Medusa.

First, he found out who has been keeping in touch with Medusa. It's her Aunt Jeri, who is her father's sister. Medusa's sister, Karen, was at the hospital when DH and the skids were there and she told DH that Jeri got her ASS handed to her by Medusa's dad and stepmom when they found out that she was the one who contacted Medusa about Teddy.

Not sure that I agree with them being mad that she was told about her own grandmother, but DH also learned that Jeri has been keeping Medusa in the loop regarding the skids - she's been feeding her information about the skids that she picks up here and there from the limited contact she has with Medusa's dad and SM. SHE is the one who told Medusa what college ASS is attending, so that solves that mystery.

DH is meeting with Jeri this weekend to explain to her that he would really appreciate it if she kept her f*cking mouth shut. She is afraid of being cut off from Medusa's dad's money, so she will do what DH says Smile

Karen also said that when she saw Medusa at the hospital on Friday she didn't even recognize her. That she was super skinny, had really bad skin, and was "acting like her skin was on fire." We all know what that means...but what's really odd is that Karen has seen Medusa recently when their own mother, Bonnie died. Karen said Medusa looked fine then, and in just a few months, she looks totally different.

The worst part was that Karen is asking the Medusa County police to investigate Bonnie's death. She feels that Medusa completely neglected Bonnie at the end of her life, and remember, Bonnie had been dead for quite some time when Medusa found her. Apparently, when Karen went to Bonnie's condo to begin cleaning it up for resale, she walked into an absolute nightmare. Blood stained bed sheets, bodily fluids all over the couch and chair, bugs in the cabinets, no food in the fridge, etc. She said that when she went to identify the body, Bonnie's legs were ridden with bedsores and parts of her legs were severely bruised, with some of the skin being torn away.

I can't imagine that the police will do anything, and Karen has been known to exaggerate, but DH says he believes that Medusa mistreated Bonnie in the end. Totally fits with her (lack) of character, too. She uses people until she can't get anything else out of them and then tosses them aside.


DaizyDuke's picture

she was super skinny, had really bad skin, and was "acting like her skin was on fire

Exactly how a friend of mine explained BM1, when she ran into her last year!

That is absolutely horrifying and heartbreaking if Medusa really did neglect Bonnie in such a way as Karen in describing. That makes me so sad that someone had to spend their last months on this earth living that way. Sad

so is ASS still in college?? I think the fact that my SD and ASS have made to their sophomore years in college is a freaking Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah and Act of Congress miracle!!

WalkOnBy's picture

Yeah, while DH tells me that Bonnie used to be super friendly and totally devoted to the skids, when we reached out to her shortly after getting custody, she told us to eff off, so I have difficulty believing that.

However, NO ONE deserves to be treated that way, and especially at the end of her life Sad

ASS is doing surprisingly well in school, what about your SD? It's a Festivus miracle!!

DaizyDuke's picture

Well SD did well last year and she posted about it on twitter and FB quite frequently, but this year? Haven't seen anything about her grades being awesome, but certainly HAVE seen lots of posts about partying, and going to dances and possibly joining a sorority and crap. Also last year Aunt J put her all in cake classes so she would have an "easy first year" so of course she did well, taking Remedial English, Theatre, Sociology, English 1 and American History. Not sure what she is taking this year, but I do know one of the classes is Physics and she is not doing well. But whatever, not my circus.

advice.only2's picture

Oh so she has become Methdusa....fab! we need that eye roll emoji!

Horrible to hear about the mom, you would hope the police would look into and find a way to press charges, that's a horrible way to die!

Glad your DH is going to be having a talk with blabby smurf, some people just can't keep their mouths shut when it comes to certain things.

Tuff Noogies's picture

"Methdusa" - brilliant!!!!!!!!

Sweet T's picture

Another waste of bad skin... some people just don't get it. Why feel the need to blab to that woman. She abandoned her kids...end of story.

WalkOnBy's picture

right? I guess Medusa's dad and SM LIT INTO her about it, too. Telling her that Medusa has CHOSEN to keep herself out of the skids' lives and she has NO right to blab blab blab and circumvent DH's efforts at protecting his kids...