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It was me tonight!

Want to be a better SM's picture

I made what I thought would be a nice dinner. Truth is it was awful. For some reason, it did not turn out well at all!

SD17 actually came to dinner and did not complain. DH said it was good. I know it was not and I am not being hard on myself.

SD15 did not come down for dinner. It is her "statement" because I was cooking.

Funny, she made a good choice.

I just thought I would post this because it is funny...

I did not make a bad dinner on purpose. This was actually the recipe I would make when I had impromptu dinner parties during my single days. I guess those days are long gone!


shootingstarz's picture

Whenever I make something that I think tastes gross my DH likes it. Maybe he really thought it was good! Men have different taste buds than we do, I think. Blum 3

MamaBecky's picture

My SD13 never likes anything I make ever when it's good....last time the spaghetti noodles I used where to thin and her mom uses the thicker ones so those are better. (eye role) I guess at least since it didnt turn out that you got lucky....if it would have been awesome and they would have complained then you would have been aggravated! lol