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I need a good come back.

Willow2010's picture

I need a good comeback. I am so sick of SS treating people like they are second class because they are not in the military. I am grateful to the military, but boy, you are not better than me due to the fact that they went into that job.

This following is a normal convo with SS…
SS: Willow..I’m going to go ahead and make my plate.
ME: How about wait until everyone gets here?
SS: I should not have to wait for everyone, I should go first since I am in the service and fighting for everyone’s rights!
ME: Roll my eyes and gag.

There were at least 3 convo’s like that last.

Any good comebacks? I need something that does not bash the military, but get it through to SS that he is not a GOD because he is in the military.


SMof2Girls's picture

"And that's why you get a paycheck and benefits. In this house, I am the general, and you will wait to eat until everyone else shows up"

SMof2Girls's picture

Not to mention all the values the military enforces .. they do literally hold them to higher standards than most common laws.

Army's are: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage

Just highlight how many of those he's ignoring with that comment.

PeanutandSons's picture

Well, in this house I am the commanding officer and I said to wait.

I would have thought that the military would have taught you better than that.

You haven't fought to protect shit, you are in basic training.

Maybe try that lone after you've been deployed and actually done something, for now you can wait like everyone else.

That's an insult to the men and women who have actually risked their lives for this country.

Invisiblestepmom14's picture

Amen!! My DH has been deployed 5 times and were coming up on a whole year that he'll be gone! That kid is going to get kicked out or denied reenlistment with that attitude!

We've seen alot of people denied reenlistment cause they can't perform their jobs!

PeanutandSons's picture

My Bil has that same attitude. He was in the army reserve and was called up twice and TWICE lied to get a deferment. Yet calls himself a war veteran and demands all the respect and freebies he can get.

My brother was KIA at the age of 20 as a Marine in Afganistan, so yeah, doesn't sit right with me at all!

SMof2Girls's picture

BM is in the Navy .. and while she has been deployed, it's never been to a combat zone. She works on a humanitarian ship (a noble cause in it's own right). But when I hear of her talking about defending our freedoms I can't help but chuckle. She even went so far as to say she DID fight in Afghanistan and the Navy just lost the records of her ship being there.

Right. Because the last time I checked, Afghanistan is a completely land-locked country, and while your ship may have been docked somewhere in the Arabian Sea, you sure never saw a minute of combat.

lawyergirl06's picture

Fighting to protect their rights from my kitchen? Wasn't aware this was a military hotzone. You asshat.

bi's picture

your ss sounds like my exbf. he joined the army at 26, and thought he was a bad ass. nevermind that he snuck off to call me just about every single day that he was in basic training, crying (literally) about how scared he was and how hard it was and how homesick he was. he finished BT and went to his training course to be a field medic. he didn't complete that. he whined and bitched to whoever he needed to, and got discharged for being unstable, which he definitely is. he even told me he was going to tell them he was gay to get kicked out.

so he completes maybe a month of AIT, then runs home. goes back to being a woman beating loser. that's probably why he couldn't handle the army, he wasn't in charge and everyone was tougher than him. he had no one to beat on or rule over. anyway, to this day, 9 years after he pussed out of the army and never did anything to actually be considered "serving", he still likes to list his profession (on fb or whatever) as an army field medic and he tells everyone he's "a fucking veteran". he thinks he is owed respect for being a "fucking veteran" because he went to boot camp and practiced sticking iv's in someone's arm for a couple weeks. he is truly disgusting.

stormabruin's picture

I say you steer the conversation to something where "your mama" would fit. That was one of my "go-to's" when SS had something crappy to say. I guess he started seeing where it fit & struck a personal chord & the comments waned.

While it was nice to have the attitude in check, I did start to miss my opportunities to get my pokes in on BM. Smile

If that fails, I vote for LeStepChick's frying pan. Sometimes silence is golden.

Willow2010's picture

I like this!

"It is your obligation to serve and protect, not to be served, protected or catered to."

NCMilGal's picture

That little shit will NOT be allowed to reenlist IF he makes it through his first term. He's only been in, what, a year? And been to Mast more than once? NJP can be serious business - and while it's not unusual for jr. enlisted to get it - it WILL affect his options.

I never got an Art 15 (Mast in Navy-speak) and I don't know if DH ever did.

btw Willow, this Chief-equivalent and her Master Chief equivalent DH are NOT IMPRESSED by the little snots who pull that crap. You SS was 8 when I enlisted, and not even born when DH enlisted.

oneoffour's picture

He isn't fighting for our rights, he is fighting for our freedom and to protect the Constitution. I don't recall eating your dinner first as a constitutional freedom.

Are you able to get him some RMEs? Because that is what I would be serving up to him.
If my son (21 and in the Army and USA resident) and DH (23 yr vet) heard him there would be bits of him all over the floor. I vote for MREs cos this is what the serving military get to eat in combat situations.... Just saying....

llenyaj's picture

I'd shoot a video of him saying that BS, wait for him to return to his base, and then upload it to FB and tag him in it. He'll get sh*t from all his shipmates over it.