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One more night!

Willow2010's picture

I wish I was a partier or an avid body builder or had some type of hobby that took me away from home a few nights a week. But I am a home body and DH might notice if I just did not come home. UGH. But I only have one more night.

SS did throw us for a loop last night. I thought I was going to throw up.

Let me preface this by saying that when SS went into military, he going to get a college degree (in Law) while in the service. (this is the one that barely passed any school ever.)

Yesterday this was the convo between DH and SS...
DH: Why have you NOT started college yet? You have been in for two years.
SS: Bla bla..lie lie...But I decided not to go to college until I get out of the service anyway. I am going to wait until I am out in 4 years and them come live here with you and go to the community college.
ME: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
DH: you are not. You can stay here a few weeks or month when you get out, so you can find a place to live and get on your feet, but that is it. You will be 25 years old and NOT living at home. Just start college now since you have so much down time. That way you will be prepared when you get out.
SS: Why can't I live here?
DH: Because we are trying to get people out of the house, not back in. lol.
SS: Well I will figure something out, but I am not going to college while in the service.

First off...yay for DH for saying no. BUUUT I don't know how strong DH's resolve will be in 4 years when SS is begging for a place to live because he can't get a job because he did not get a college education. GAG!
Second off...who the F does SS think he is to just TELL someone that he is just going to live with them!! Did not ask, just told DH.


hereiam's picture

He doesn't need a college education to get his own place

True but he is already trying to use college as an excuse to move back in with them when he gets out of the service.

hereiam's picture

This is ridiculous. This is the perfect time for him to go to college. I bet he has no intention of ever going to college.

And if he doesn't use this time to go to school, I wouldn't even let him stay one day when he gets out. He can figure something out since he's so smart.

Willow2010's picture

I really think he has no intention of going to college either. I think he just wants to milk it and be able to stay with us for a few years and do nothing.

That is what he wanted to do before he went into the military. He said he did not want to go into the military...he just wanted to work part time and not do much else for a few years until he figured it out. DH and I squashed that idea VERY quickly.

Willow2010's picture

Maux (since I can't actually see how your new name is

I would have to live separately or divorce if DH actually let SS move in. No way. I am a ball of freaking nerves and aggravation after 1 week. No way I could do years again! no way. I am to old to try and babysit a grown man in my house.

Thank the lord that I kept my old house!! I would have to kick out some very good renters, but I would not be homeless. Actually...I would probably get a small apartment for me and let the renters stay put since they are so good.

thinkthrice's picture

My son is 26, in school full time for a Math and Engineering degree doing 2 and 2, in the Air Force Reserves and works two part time jobs. Oh and he has his own apartment with his steady girlfriend who has a masters degree and is getting a steady teaching job after subbing for awhile.

Willow2010's picture

Lady... we gave all the kids the same option. You can stay after HS graduation ONLY if you are in college FULL time and work at least part time. (20 hours a week). And have great grades.

Maybe that is why SS thinks he can just move right back in. I guess we should have clarified that there is an age limit also.

StepKat's picture

We’ve already told SD13 and SS11 that we will support them if they go to college; such as a roof over their heads, food, insurance, ect. But if they do not go to college then the plate will be broken and they are on their own. That was what my parents did for me and DH had to stand on his own two feet right after he graduated high school.

Sweet T's picture

My skids are very good students and nice boys. Their mom is planning on moving two hours away after the youngest graduates. Not sure what the plan is for him at that point. He has made certain hints that he would like to live with us then, I suspect that is what will happen. The older one says his mom is going to rent him & his buddies her house to live in ( he will also be in college at that point ) I can't see the younger one living with them and to be honest I would not want that for him.

That said I will be 50 at that point with an 11 year old still at home...not really wanting one more man full time in my house. Especially if we end up buying a town home.