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Feel Free To Be Jealous!

xtina's picture

Originally my SO was going to have his bratty little kid on Thanksgiving and we were all going to go to my mom's. Just how I wanted to spend the day... NOT.
But my SO just told me that he is going to his mom's the night before and coming back Saturday!

MEANING our week with him will be cut short. YAY!

They are doing Thanksgiving at my SO's parents on Saturday. Too bad I have to work Smile
Aw darn.


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I hope you have a great skid-free Thanksgiving! I am lucky enough to have only had to deal with one skidcentric Thanksgiving, and that was it.

RedWingsFan's picture

Yeah at first I was bummed that I have to work Friday when DH is off. Till I found out he plans on spending the day with stepdevil. Then, the thought of working when generally everyone else is out shopping and having a good time just didn't sound so bad!