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Delayed dropoff and effects of parenting on skid

youngmama1b1g's picture

I used to get really up in arms when I felt like my fiancees BM was getting over on him by shortening his parental rights. Esp in regard to visitation. After so many instances of refusal or replanning to suit her own needs, I've given up being emotionally attached to it. I just hope my fiancee realizes what hes giving up sooner or later.
So yesterday, was one of these occasions. I was called in class by my fiancees mom because my fiancee, busy working, was not answering his cell phone. BM had called his mom to reiterate this, so she figured shed see if I could get ahold of him. I'm the only one with his work phone number. Well, the issue at 3 pm, was that she didnt want to drop the boy off because he was sick. As I found out at dropoff this morning, his high fever was 102. The kid is four. Needless to say, I called her on her b.s. stating "yeah, I know with her (indicating my toddler), the doctor doesn't care until the fevers over 104". To which she agreed but stated, "I can't help it".
I wouldn't even be writing about this obvious overprotective woman's issues if it weren't for my ss4 comments about being sick. He made it seem like a fever was the end of the world and he was really sick and couldnt possibly do anything. I told him what a fever really means, "your body fighting the germs in your body, so you get hot just like when you pretend to fight bad guys". This along with the fact that whenever he sneezes or coughs, the kid says hes getting sick and automatically put a hand up to the side of his head like woe is me made me realize that she's creating a hypochondriac!
I used to think the kids immune system was already weakened because of lack of exposure and overmedication, but now I wonder if its just her craziness...