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FDH gets a call from a teacher....

zenjetset's picture

So my awesome FDH gets a call from a teacher at his daughters school. The teacher leaves a message saying she is very concerned about sd11. ummm, he has never been called! EVER!!! EVER!!! NEVER!!!

Ok, so he calls back...this teacher tells him that sd11 has not done but one homework assignment (I reminded him I did one with her) he says, yep...that is the ONLY one she has done!!!


Ok, issue #2 that teacher brings to his attention is that sd11 misses really?! hmmmm, well she could have told her mother that she didn't want to go to her cousins party and wanted to see her daddy...but NOOOOOOOO....

If you have read my blog, FDH was suppose to have his girls two weeks ago, we had the entire weekend arranged with BM for this cousins (bm family) party. BM decided at the last momemt to go to atlanta - - which now says she cancelled flight --- no flighte ever existed. it was a lie, cause she is a liar!!!

So, NOW 21 days later and 150 phone calls and text messages later...the teach is concerned...really, well WE did all we could....and WE are sorry, but WE don't live with her...and WE only have her EOWE and WE do everything for them when they are with us.

This child has missed 6 days of started on aug 25th. And he already has 10 tardy...come this our fault...the childs fault or is it the adult that is so freaking narcissist that just does not care!!!


zenjetset's picture

That's a good idea! Yes, BM is putting her life first we have known that for a while now. SHE was too busy with her BF who according to her recent text has dumped her could a child not do any homework...the only one assignment she did was the one I helped her's just so sad...
He explained to the teacher he only has her EOWE and that he can't control or montior what happens at BM house.

Good news was the child had a good day today at school. We tried to call her last night, but BM said she was with her mother - - yet another example of bad parenting.

hismineandours's picture

Well at least the school finally called you. I know ss's school has never ever called dh although he is listed on the contact list and every year but this one has sent an email at the beginning of the year explaining his situation and his willingness to help anyway he could. He has also called the school before to ask about ss's homework and his tardies and attendance. For a while last year-after dh called the teacher she was emailing us on the friday that we had ss for the w/e with a list of all missing and current assignments due-dh made him bring all his books and he learned real fast that he would have to spend the w/e in his room doing homework if he didnt do it during the week. He resisted the first weekend and stubbornly sat in his room-but then next time he did it all and brought all his grades up since he turned in all his work. BUT we no longer do that. I have given up being involved (I'm the one that actually sent the emails at the beginning of the school year-although dh did the calling)and ss has learned a far better method for his schoolwork-which is to not do it most of the grading period-by the last few weeks he starts getting detentions for so many missed assignments he then makes up his assignments in detention and the teachers give him full credit for it. Works pretty well for him.

zenjetset's picture

I had a conversation with BM sometime this year in which she said the school had called CPS on her because the children were missing so much school and were late almost everytime the did attend. So, I think the school is watching this situation and now are reaching out to FDH for support.

FDH has told me he doesn't want custody because they (bm and kids) would make our lives hell. The kids have been PAS'd now for sometime and BM is a nightmare!

Though he could change his mind...

pastepmomof3's picture

The information you have might be enough proof to file for emergency custody of the child. If she misses too much school, wouldn't she then be truant? And couldn't BM or DH go to jail for SD's truancy? Something to think about for sure. If the teacher is telling you that she's not doing homework and all of that, give BM a chance to explain herself and then go to the judge. You don't want to wait too long on this becuase the only one hurting at this point is the kid.

zenjetset's picture

Gosh darn it I didn't think of that! Yep, you're right! I'll add it to the list of things to discuss with the atty. We are filing a contempt motion and modification of CS may as well address this too.
