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zenjetset's picture

We have labeled something we call the "witching hour" (the time, usually at or before dinner when skids know they are suppose to go back to BM house). But a WICHTING DAY!!! ugh!!!

To day is the last day we have the skids after a week of summer vacation with me and fiancee. This morning, I woke up and thought of all the things I needed to do before their departure. Then they awoke...I asked if they wanted pancakes...of course they said yes...but immediately started in on "my mom makes them this way, my mom this and my mom that..." I ignore it all because I really don't care what they say in comparison or in order to get something similar from me, because I really don't like the woman (BM) AT ALL. She is a horrible person and so is her family!

So we get through the pancakes and I asked them to watch TV for a bit...there are 5 TVs in the house and they start fighting over one...I ask them to stop and if the can't share the tv would be unplugged and off. They decide to go in the pool instead which was fine, except I had asked them to please give me a half hour and I would then sit with them...I don't need to tell you that didn't was 3 mintues tops and they were in the pool then the fighting started!!! SD11 beats and abuses SD6 all the time, but prior to today I really thought we had it under control because for the entire week they have been terrific with a few exceptions of course.

For those of you who don't follow my blog, I have a bad knee, that has prevented me from walking properly for the past year and now I have hip and back problems (that's a whole another blog), but it makes it difficult to walk up and down stairs and if I do too much walking, standing or stair climbing I end up in enormous amount of pain that puts me out of commission for a day. Needless to say, on Sunday I had a day of up and down stairs all day probably climbed the stairs 100x and walked more than I should have. Yesterday I wanted to go to the hospital I was in horrible pain.

Today I woke up feeling great and I thought Awesome! it's going to be a good day...but of course it can't be that simple. My skids decided to make everything impossible this morning after I made them pancakes I have been up and down the stairs a total of 20+x already and my back is already giving me problems. They are consistantly fighting so I have separated they are hungry (yes, pancakes and cereal at 10am and now it's 11 and the are hungry!!!)

I refuse to go downstairs until I HAVE TO!!! IT'S THE WITCHING DAY and I am not sure I am going to make it physically.

Does anyone else have this type of behavior when the skids know they are leaving you and going back?!

I would like to know who to deal with this...I feel like talking to them about it...if only to say that I understand and NOT TO TAKE IT OUT ON ME!!! Sad


mom2five's picture

YES!!! My stepdaughter used to get like that a few days before she to go back to mom's after every long visitation. It was like her entire personality changed.

They live with us now and I wonder if her mom goes through that after they visit her.

I'm really sorry you are hurting. Pain makes everything worse. I have a severe osteoarthritis and fairly significant bone loss. When I'm hurting, it's hard to deal with even the smallest things.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

When ss is about to go back home he gets 'braver' by talking back more. I don't let him get away with it though. He also starts fighting with our little ones more. (dh and I have 3 kids together) It was worse this Sunday because he had been here 17 days straight so the picking fights was worse the few days before leaving and got really bad that day. I didn't realize this was a universal problem and just figured it was ss!!

zenjetset's picture

So, did you ever talk to SD to let her know you understood the way she was feeling?

I usually talk to SD11 & 6 and they seem to accept what I am saying. I think they appreciate that I at least make the effort to communicate with them and understand them. I know their mom doesn't she just yells at them. I feel sorry for them, but I try to not let that feeling drive me into doing things I wouldn't do for my own daughter.

It's not their fault my body is rebelling on me but it is their fault when they fight and cause me to run up and down and up and down to solve the situation that should never even be.

There is a light at the end of's called sunrise tomorrow when they go back to camp and I go to work and then I get to have my wine at the end of my day with no SKIDS!!

zenjetset's picture

Meanwhile the skids would act like chimps on crack for the next 24 hours preceding going back to the Gir's. :jawdrop:

Made me laugh out loud...;-)

Yes, this is the situation precisly! Not sure if they realize what they are doing it or not... it makes me have such great kids all week and today the are "chimps".

Jsmom's picture

We have 50/50 and always noticed when they arrived on Monday after school for the start of our week that they would push every button they could. And on the Monday morning before the switch off they would start up again. It always takes 24 hours to get them back how they were. It sucks.

zenjetset's picture

i'm in the bedroom hiding we are going on 14 hours....I have the vino and I am ready for bed....already!