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BM is going to be happy....

zerostepdrama's picture

She should be receiving her first CS payment since it was upped plus the arrears (due to SS aging out and neither BM or DH having CS re-evaluated for over a year). What DH is paying out PER CHECK is more now then what she was getting PER MONTH before.

BM likes to blow money on junk, frivilous things and not actually pay her bills. So the skids and BM will be living high (at least for a little bit- MSD18 is graduating soon and the arrears will be paid off within the next year hopefully.

Thankfully I got a $6000 annual raise. As well, we will still be able to live comfortably just need to make some cut backs in terms of eating out, shopping, etc. I am going to look at it as a challenge.

I am very curious on how often the skids are going to call DH now. Really.... now that they know that BM has more cash and that DH has less. It has always been the other way around. They never call DH unless they need something or want something. And its usually money. Or seeing if we are doing something fun or if DH will take them to do something fun since BM never did. I am just going to sit back and watch what happens.

Have no issues with DH paying arrears as its rightfully owed to BM. But it really grinds my nerves that CS increased because she only works part time (more then capable of FT- YSD is 14)and that DH got a promotion at work.


hereiam's picture

It may be rightfully owed to her but the fact is, she never had it modified and that's on her (or should be). Just like it's on the NCP (in most states) to file for CS termination when kids age out.

So glad to be done with all of that crap!

zerostepdrama's picture

I agree and was really surprised they could put him in "arrears" when he was never ordered to pay a different amount. Because with him being in arrears it affects our income taxes. Sad

AngelOfMisery's picture

Huh. The BM makes 45,000 a year my husband makes 22,000 a year. She was able to up the CS an extra $200.00 this year while we barely make bills and give plasma every now and then to put food on the table. While she gets to travel all over the place with her daughter cheerleading team and set her fat ass down at high fluteing restaurants and feed her fat face teach the kids it is okay to waste food. Another three years that will be done. I wonder what she is going to do when she is not getting the extra money .....

Journey1982's picture

I was wondering the same thing about our BM. She receives almost $40,000 a year in child support and alimony. Both will end in June of this year. We figure she will move in with her new BF or possibly marry the sucker (I feel sorry for him because he has no clue what a nasty, controlling person she is). No more new Coach purses, no new car every 3-4 years for her. Poor little BM will have to actually work full time. BM is receiving a lot of alimony because she was supposed to go back to school to get her degree. She never did. She has been going to college for 14 years and still doesn't have a 2 year degree. The whole reason she got alimony was so she could finish her degree. As far as SO knows, she registered for school 4 years ago, took 2 classes but it was too much for her because being a "single" parent was so hard on her (sarcasm) - single parent my ass. The kids at that time were 14 and 19.

Journey1982's picture

SO lives in a small town with only one family court judge who is pro BM. The system isn't fair towards fathers in our area. CS and alimony will end in June (YIPPEE). HUGE raise for SO. My only fear is BM will figure something else out to get more money. All she has to do is file with the court, cry like a little baby and she gets what she wants. Never, ever failed in the past. From what we've been told and read she cannot get more alimony so if she failed to get her degree that's her problem. As for CS, according to our state law, CS will end when the child turns 18 or graduates from high school; whichever is later. SO even has an actual date as to when the CS and alimony will end in his divorce decree. But like I said, I fear she will figure something else out in order to continue receiving payments.

With alimony and CS alone, BM is making more than the average household in our area. She does work part time, so with the combination of what SO pays her and what she is making, she is living high on the hog! Her rent is only $400 a month, so as you can see, she is making a killing. But that will all come to end in 5 more payments! We plan to celebrate big time!!

Journey1982's picture

Thank you! You have a really good idea about renting out a part of a restaurant and bar to celebrate. I will mention it to SO! I'm sure he will agree. With the money he will be saving, may be we should invite everyone from Steptalk to party with us!!

sixteensmom's picture

be careful. cs ends at a certain age but anyone can go back and ask the court to continue alimony at any time. We're experiencing this now. There is zero chance of our bm getting another penny because i'll drag it out for years if I have to no matter what the cost... we'll retire before it ever gets to trial. BUT some people are not so lucky and get saddled with more alimony after thinking it's all over. Careful careful!

Journey1982's picture

@sixteensmom - I truly fear that BM will request alimony to be continued. However, my lawyer told me when I filed for divorce its "one and done." If you didn't ask for it when you file for divorce, you cannot go back and request it later and you could not request that it be extended unless there is extenuating circumstances such as severe illness, or disability, or the party seeking alimony cannot reasonably be expected to make substantial progress toward becoming self-supporting.

BM requested alimony because she wanted to finish her education so she could become a nurse (she is already working as a nurses aide and has been for the last 12 years). So the judge awarded it to her for 4 years to give her sufficient time to finish her degree, which she has barely attempted to do in 4 years. BM had been going to college for 14 years and still does not have a 2 year degree. I can't image how she could claim "cannot reasonably be expected to make substantial progress toward becoming self-supporting" when she has made no attempt at finishing her degree. BUT again, I do have the fear that she will file to extend alimony. I had SO asked his attorney if it was possible to get alimony extended and he was told no and if BM failed to take advantage of the opportunity that was given to her, then she is out of luck.

hereiam's picture

Depends on what state you are in, but in most states you have to file for CS to be terminated and prove that it should be (kid is no longer in school, got married, whatever).

You can look it up on line for your state.

Journey1982's picture

Under the law in our state (effective October 1, 2002) if a child turns age 18 while still enrolled in high school, the child support obligation can be extended by the Court until either the child graduates from high school, or age 19, whichever is first. Otherwise, child support terminates when the child turns age 18. I couldn't find anything that states SO must file for termination. I hope we are not overlooking the requirement to file for termination.

sixteensmom's picture

file for termination just to be safe.
the judge will sign an order of satisfaction stating it's all been paid.
then you give that to employer to stop withholding cs from each check.

Journey1982's picture

@sixteensmom - I told SO to file "just to be safe." CS and alimony were not court ordered to be garnished from his paycheck.

Journey1982's picture

Does your CO address when CS ends? My SO's states it will end when child turns 18 or when she graduates, whichever occurs first, but in no event extend beyond June 2014.

hereiam's picture

Ha, ha! Well, first they have to actually be going to high school and second, states have a cutoff age for high school students, 21 in the state I live in.

My SD22 was 2 years behind, so she would have been 20 by the time she graduated. Had she stayed in H.S. and not gotten married at 18, my DH would have been paying CS until she was 20 (21 had she gone on to college).

Journey1982's picture

@ taushalove - LOL! I don't know. Honestly I never thought about, but fortunately for SO, his daughter will be graduating in June!

zerostepdrama's picture

The state we are in- we have to request termination when skid graduates HS.

When OSD graduated- BM just happened to take DH back on her own but that is when it was caught that DH was over paying BM because OSD graduated.

The last review came from CS initating it- asking if SS had graduated. Ummm yes over a year ago.

MSD graduates in May. You best believe that in April DH will be calling asking for CS to b re-evaluated.

zerostepdrama's picture

Not sure either and its sure not fair.

DH went back to school, got his degree and got a better paying job and he has to pay BM MORE? Makes no sense! All the while she is staying in some dead end job because she is too lazy!