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Thank you BS for proving a point for me

zerostepdrama's picture

I call DH "Babe".

I said to BS (and DH was right there) "Babe come bring this towel to the laundry basket."

It was clear I was talking to BS and not DH.

I called BS "babe" by accident.

BS says "Ewww I'm not your babe. DH is your babe. I'm your son. That name is for your husband."

BS has never heard me complain about DH calling YSD "baby" which is the same name that DH likes to call me sometimes. Which I have an obvious issue about.

Kind of funny that a 9 year old sees the problem with using the same pet name for both child and spouse.


zerostepdrama's picture

I think he did.

BS was really going on about it. Which was so funny because he has never heard me say anything about the issue I have about it.

zerostepdrama's picture

Funny thing is shortly after the issue with him calling YSD "baby", we were driving in the car and there were like 3 love songs where the person was calling their lover baby.

onstrike's picture

Exactly! Miniwife tries to respond to my petname. It is so disgusting and intrusive. I let Dh know this was damn inappropriate. Sd8 is not healthy like your bs

zerostepdrama's picture

Well I can see saying it in error- okay it happens.

But DH had to actually type "Hey BABY" to YSD. LOL. Meant he had to actually think about it. Ha Ha

zerostepdrama's picture

YSD sometimes calls DH "Papa" and its sooooooooo annoying because I have NEVER heard him or anyone else refer to him as "Papa".

luchay's picture

LMAO - now I wonder if ex had ever called me "sexy" in front of SD whether she would have answered like she did when he called me "honey"....

He only called me Sexy when they weren't around, but she was NEVER called Honey, not even by mistake. She was Possum. But she still often answered when he made a comment to "Honey"

Meh. bygones.