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UGH MSD has a car! & BM "claimed' GB on her taxes- some other vents

zerostepdrama's picture

MSD came over the other day. She was bored. :sick: She has her own set of wheels. Now I should be happy for her and all the good stuff and in a tiny way I am. She is in HS, has a baby, she works, so she needs a car.

BUT this means that she will have the means to just call and stop by and visit. NO NO NO I dont want this AT ALL. She is a thief, liar and manipulator. When she doesn't have a car, DH will just take her to eat to visit with her and GB since he knows I dont really want her here. But now if she just calls and asks to stop by and visit DH isn't going to say no. UUUGGHHHHHH

Already she is asking DADDDDYYYY to fix stuff with the car. *annoyed*

The visit overall was okay. GB is a cutie and I enjoy seeing him. MSD said she applied to state college for nursing and got accepted, so that is good. I guess at least she has her smarts going for her.

She also told us that BM claimed her and GB on taxes. Ummm MSD lives with her BF and his family. She has maybe lived with BM for 2 months total for 2013. It's already bad enough that BM is collecting CS for MSD and MSD doesn't live in the house and she doesn't give any of it to MSD.

I can *maybe* see her claiming MSD on her taxes since she is collecting CS for her. BUT claiming GB is bullshit. MSD is working and should claim her OWN child. MSD said she was going to get her taxes done. DH told her to file a claim against BM with the IRS. I was trying to not pay attention to the conversation and get too overly involved so I dont know if she plans on it or not. Of course I HOPE and PRAY that she does. But she probably wont because she doesn't want BM to be mad at her. But if anyone wants to pray that this happens I will greatly appreciate it Wink

MSD said BM got about $8000 back in taxes. WTH! She makes like $26,000 a year. It's probably true, claiming 3 kids (YSD, MSD and GB) PLUS she will be getting part of DH's taxes for back CS (long story, he was never behind it was just a re-evaluation thing). I just keep thinking to myself....karma....karma...karma...eventually she wont have kids to claim. She will still be the low life scamming pond scum that she is when its all said and done.

It just grinds my nerves how people who scam and are lazy get all this money and we working folks get the short end of the stick. So mad!


zerostepdrama's picture

Oh and a funny- my BS8 said to MSD "are you YSD or MSD?" It was like he totally forget who they were. He rarely sees them. He has seen them enough in the past to know the difference, LOL not sure why he was confused. BUT I thought it was funny because it just proved how irelavant they are in my home and in my life and BS. Yeah BS can't even remember who you are.

twoviewpoints's picture

I would imagine BM qualified for EIC ( for working low income earners with/without minor children). With minor SD still in HS and now baby too would push her in that direction. If SD actually lived over 50% of the time in BM's home and BM bore the brunt of 'supporting' the baby (formula, diapers, food, housing, clothing ect) BM would have every right to claim both of them. If SD didn't live with BF over 50% of the year SD would have to claim working but able to be claimed by someone else (BM).

So technically BM did no wrong (except for the biggie SD didn't actually live with her 50%) in claiming both SD and baby. There's a lot of grandparents perfectly legally claiming GC on taxes when they house and support them. But your BM seems to have been lying in that SD didn't actually live with her nor be financially supported by her the required amount.

Who paid for SD's car? Car insurance?

zerostepdrama's picture

MSD did not live with BM for more then MAYBE 2 months during 2013. MSD said BM won't even give her any of the money for claiming GB either. She hasn't paid for anything- diapers, etc. She even took MSD and GB off of her insurance plan- which she is suppose to carry for the skids and that DH pays extra in CS for that.

Not sure who paid for MSD's car or car insurance- she works and I know her BF's parents are somewhat wealthy. They may have helped her out.