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Almost 2 weeks later

insight's picture

OMG, why did I wait so long?.. What the hell was I thinking?
I'm so grateful to him for letting me learn about who I am, what do I want from life, and what kind of partner I need.

In last 10 days I just enjoyed my life and living it just for myself. (ok, I live right by the beach now, so you figure).

I picked my butt off my brain, applied and got accepted to graduate school, got a job and new apartment in the beautiful city by the ocean. Things are moving along.
I'm still grieving.. I miss him, I miss coming home to him, BUT I don't miss living my life to fulfill somebody's goals and ambitions. I don't miss being second best!

He is still mad, one day he would be asking me back, another will be saying how happy he is without me. Oh well, let him be.

Good luck to all of you out there.


mystiery's picture

on getting into graduate school!! Sorry things are rough for you, but it seems to be working out for the best!!

Tara12's picture

I am so happy to hear that you have moved on with your life. Isn't it amazing that once you get free you look back and ask yourself why you ever put up with the crap that you did for two years!!!! It has been 3 weeks since me and my exFH broke up and I can tell you after a couple of weeks of being upset I have really began to see how much better off I am without all his b/s!!!! I still miss him as well - but it is the person that we thought we had not who they really are. I am so glad to hear all of your good news and I wish nothing but the best for you!

anabihibik's picture

Congrats on grad school! Don't forget to let the boys buy you sushi! You need to eat well while you're in school. Wink

To every thing there is a season.

belleboudeuse's picture

Insight, I'm so glad for you! I love stories like this. Ema is right -- it's amazing when you finally get out, and then look back and think, Wow, what was I thinking? It's like being able to take a big, deep breath of fresh air for the first time in years, isn't it?

Yay you!!!


- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)

Selkie's picture

Glad to hear it's working out well for you. You don't need any advice to stay strong now, since you've obviously got it covered! Bravo!