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Am I a horrible person?

squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

Ever since BM told my husband that he might not be SD8's father, I've been secretly hoping that it's true. I know, I should be hoping that it's not true because this is going to devastate my husband, who does not deserve this. But...

If my husband isn't SD8's father, BM is going to do everything in her power to completely take SD8 away from him. I know this because BM has been going crazy over the last 8 months, trying everything she can to take SD8 away from us. BM is also PAS'ing SD8 & unfortunately, it's starting to work. We just had SD8 for an entire month & my afterthought is...SD8 didn't really seem to want to be with us. It certainly didn't help that BM constantly interfered, either.

I realize that my husband isn't going to want to just let SD8 go, after being part of her life since before she was born, however, if BM does completely turn SD8 against us, what kind of relationship will he have with her? And my husband has already told me that if he's not her father & BM gets full custody, that he's NOT paying child support. (Which I told him sometimes happens, but he is adamant that it won't happen if he loses rights. I guess the court would decide this.) So if he's determined to stop financial support, then I don't see how he expects to have any kind of relationship at all.

I know, there are those of you who are wondering how SD8 is going to feel about this. And of course, my husband & I are concerned about this, too. However, I'm sure that BM will convince SD8 that it's time to find/meet her "real" dad & somehow turn my husband into the bad guy. Like I've said before, there's something a little off about SD8. I can completely see her being upset at first, but then being brainwashed by BM to see the "upside" of this situation. SD8's emotions have become almost's freaky.

Anyway, I've been thinking about this a lot the past couple of days. I wish my husband would just get the paternity test done already so we can at least put this uncertainty part behind us. If SD8 isn't my husband's child, it's going to completely change our world. I just feel awful that I can't help but LOVE the idea of our world changing like this. If SD8 wants nothing to do with us, that means we're done with BM. There would be nothing left. We might be able to live our lives without BM's constant interference, insane demands, lies, threats, etc. hanging over us. We will have our first child in February & it would be like a fresh start. I'm not saying it would be easy or without heartache, but the thought is so liberating.

I feel awful for feeling this way. I really do. But when I think about how much better, easier, less stressful our lives would be...I can't help it. This is how I've always wished things could be. When I look back on my 3 1/2 years with my husband, I can't help but think about how stressful/aggravating it's been. All due to BM. I often feel like I'm being gypped my time with the love of my life, didn't get to enjoy being newlyweds, and now not enjoying the fact that we're having a baby. This is my first child...I should be way more excited than I am. But instead, I'm waiting for all this crap in limbo to be figured out so I know whether or not I have to go back to work immediately after the baby is born. There are so many questions. And I'm a planner. I like to know what to expect/plan for. It just sucks.

If anyone read this, thanks. I just needed to get this off my chest because it's been eating at me.


Amazed's picture

how it would give you mixed feelings. On one hand, if she isn't his then that will just crush him which in turn hurts you as well...but I am in total agreement on the whole secretly joyful thing. It's a double edged sword honey. He really needs to stop putting it off and just get the test done to lay the whole thing to rest. It isn't fair to keep your family in limbo especially at such a delicate time in your life. Hang in there and let us know what happens.

The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children. ~Edward, Duke of Windsor, Look, 5 March 1957

squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

Thank you for responding & understanding where I'm coming from on this. I needed to hear that!!!

Yes, I agree that the paternity test needs to be done ASAP. Here's the problem, though...SD8 just went to BM's for the next month. So we don't have access to SD8 to do one of those store bought tests, which would at least answer the question. I'm sure that BM will request a paternity test in her response to the court paperwork...unless BM is lying. So if BM does request a test, it'll be done soon. If not, we still have to do something to be sure, but that'll be almost another month away.

Sometimes I could just kick my husband for his biggest flaw...dragging his feet on things. It's not just BM related, either. As soon as we moved in together, I took over bill paying because he never paid bills on time. I kept reminding him that if we wanted to buy a house, we needed to not pay things late! So it was less stressful for me to just take financial control. He doesn't seem to mind, either!

I wanted him to do a paternity test years ago, when he first mentioned that he's suspected for a while that SD8 might not be his. But he didn't want to know the truth. Now knowing the truth is kind of important! He also dragged his feet on filing the court paperwork. You know, getting it in with less than a month to go before school starts is probably not so good. Keeping in mind that it takes a week for the court to serve the papers, then BM has 15 days to respond. Ummmm...that doesn't leave much time. What happens if we don't go to court until after school starts? Does SD8 just go to school where BM now lives since BM already registered her there? SD8 will also be with BM when school starts. If we still have 50/50 custody, does this mean that my husband has to drive SD8 45 minutes to school every morning? And then do the same to pick her up after work? This is insane! I wanted him to file the paperwork a month sooner. As soon as it became obvious that BM wasn't filing it.

*sigh* I try to explain to him how stressful it is having things happen like this, but he doesn't get it. I know he's doing the best he can...I just wish he could do it a little faster sometimes. There's a lot at stake here. Too much in limbo!

Amazed's picture

is that like a requirement for having a penis? seems they all do this! Dh and I have been together 4 years and married 1 year and yet he still hasn't gotten his will updated nor has he removed his ex from our vacation home.

So I totally understand the draggin the feet sucks massive ass! I wish there was some magic answer to help you, unfortunately it's one of those things that seems to be out of your hands. For the DNA thing is it the mouth swab only or can you use a hair from her brush or something like that?

The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children. ~Edward, Duke of Windsor, Look, 5 March 1957

smnikki's picture

of ss not being my dh's. but, he absolutly with out a doubt is. This may sound horrible, but altohugh i love my ss with all my heart, its not him that i dont want in our life its BM. I think the way you feel is absolutly natural! These BM's cause nothing but constant drama and hell for every one involved and the only tie betweent this hell and our life is the skid.

HeatherM's picture

You are not a horrible person... plain and simple. I think most of us on here understand exactly where you're coming from. As our BM has 4 kids from 4 dads, I've often day dreamed myself.. however... my SS looks way too much like his dad... People on the 'outside' (haha) may not fully understand our lives... but everyone in here does... seriously... having these thoughts are normal.

squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

And since I would never kick SD8 out of our lives, even if she wasn't my husband's daughter, I guess I have it under control! Though, as I stated, if SD8 isn't my husband's, I truly believe it's only a matter of time before BM completely turns the kid against us. Which, while devastating & life-altering, would be a relief in a way. I know you guys know what I'm saying. SD8 isn't the problem; BM is. And I think we've all fantasized about a life without BM in it!!!

goldenlife's picture

No, it not terrible. DH had his suspicions that SS wasn't his. I had the test done w/o his knowledge and it turned out he is 99.999999% his! But I wanted to know for sure - if he wasn't, why go through the agony?!? BM had lied about the BioDad for her first daughter (not DH's)and we still don't who her real father is and she's 24!

Livin' my life like it's golden!