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Yay, flu time!

Run-down-mommy's picture

So we had SD4 this weekend. BM sent her over with the flu! I'm horrified by this because I don't want my children to get the flu! My children (BS6, BD2 and BS7 months) are scheduled for flu shots in 2 weeks, so aren't yet protected from it and I'm angry that BM would be dumb enough to infect my toddler and infant with a potentially fatal sickness for their age group! I don't understand why she refuses to keep SD home when she is sick! She doesn't work, so getting sick for her shouldn't be a problem. EVERY time we have SD she is sick. Two weeks ago, My 7 month old and I had the pleasure of receiving bronchitis from SD. Now the possibility of the flu! I sanitized the entire house yesterday and got in a fight with DH, because he doesn't demand BM to get their child the medical attention she needs! (He was already on my nerves because he was allowing SD to put the baby's toys in her mouth and he brought our comforter from our bedroom out to the living room for him and SD to cuddle in! She has her own damn comforter, and ours is oversized so I now I have the pleasure of going to the dry cleaners as well!) Finally DH decided that he would call BM to discuss SD's health issues, and BM has finally come clean, kinda. Apparently SD doesn't even have a family doctor and BM just takes her to redicare occassionally when she's sick. The reasoning for this: BM says medicaid charges a 20% co-pay for dr. visits! Which is a complete lie! The co-pay is $1/visit. BS6 has medicaid, so I know this for a fact! Even if there was a co-pay, which there isn't, I guess BM figures that it doesn't matter how ill SD becomes, she's not using a dime of DH's child support on SD! I guess it's time to find out if SD is even up to date on her immunizations!


Amazed's picture

It's tough having children at home and having children come from other homes for visitation...the illness thing is SO hard to handle.

We had sort of a reverse situation where my son(7) was really sick and it was sd11's visitation time. We basically had to keep my son and sd11 as far apart as possible the whole time which they hated bc they love spending time together now. But we managed to be successful and she went home without illness. Your DH and BM simply need to understand that when sd is sick she can't interact with the rest of the family and must be confined to certain areas of the house until the illness passes. Sounds mean but if you don't keep her separated, the whole house will end up one big germ fest.

Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha

Run-down-mommy's picture

That's exactly what I told DH! That SD should stay in her room with movies and activities, to keep her away from the other kids, but he said that I was "picking with SD" and that "she didn't feel good and just wanted to cuddle and have extra attention" Well I'm sorry, call it picking if you like but it's not, it's just common sense! When BS6 had the flu last year, I kept him in his room as well. I just get so irritated that BM doesn't take care of her child's health! It may be selfish but I have to protect my little ones and my hands are tied as far as SD because I'm not a biological parent to her and have no say in her healthcare! I'm being literal when I say she is ALWAYS sick! (I believe she has asthma) but BM doesn't even have a doctor for her, I mean come on! Time to grow up and be a mother! Of course my kids get sick occassionally, but I stay up on their healthcare, they see the doctor regularly! It's just so frustrating!

lovin_my_life's picture

BM is famous for doing this; until DH told her no more. I put my foot down after almost 3 years of her doing this. She too is a SAHM (I work fulltime) and she couldn't care less due to the fact that she doesn't miss work for he kids being sick. They would be sick for weeks b/c she wouldn't be giving them medicine or rest. We would text/call her to check if she was treating anything that they had and she would get hysterical and defensive so we backed off during the spring when they seemed okay. Well, SS5 and SD7 were coughing up green phlem for 3 weeks and we finally told her that if the kids have had a fever within 48hrs or if they're showing symptoms of a cold or flu they cannot come down until they're better. Of course she was pissed, but oh well. I have 2 children who live with me and their health/safety takes priority. DH used to say, "well I could get a hotel and be gone for a weekend" but then he understood that it still makes BM not take responsibility for taking care of them.

"I aint no Carol Brady"